Four day work-weeks in Australia: Barbara Pocock’s push to transform quality of life

Four-day weeks at full pay, rules PROHIBITING bosses from contacting staff after hours and one year of government parental leave: the push for workplace revolution for Australians

Australians could soon be paid their full-time wages for working just four days a week if sweeping proposals from a Senate inquiry are passed.

The landmark report from the Select Committee on Work and Care backed a range of changes, including one year of paid parental leave and the right to stop working outside working hours.

Greens Senator Barbara Pocock, who chaired the inquiry, called on the government to give serious thought to the “ambitious” reforms to improve quality of life.

‘In our history, Australia was the world leader in shortening the work week in the 1850s. We are at the other end of the spectrum with too many Australians working long hours,” she told ABC News Breakfast.

Australians could soon be paid their full-time wages for working just four days a week if sweeping proposals from a Senate inquiry are passed

“We need to think more seriously about how we deal with a changing workforce.”

The report recommended that the Albanian government try out the 100:80:100 model. Workers would continue to receive full-time wages and maintain their productivity despite working 80 percent of the week.

“We’ve heard a lot of evidence… from people who already work four days a week in workplaces trying short-time work and getting very positive results,” said Senator Pocock.

How radical proposal wants to shake up your workplace

  • Enter a four-day work week
  • Full year of paid parental leave
  • Increases in the salary of informal carers

“We’re seeing improvements in productivity, better work-family balance, and really good outcomes at work and at home in terms of relationships and balancing your life and work.”

The Labor government has committed to reforming the paid parental leave scheme, making it easier for new fathers to spend time at home.

And by 2026, Labor hopes to increase paid parental leave to a total of 26 weeks, from the 20 weeks currently available.

But the Greens are pushing for stronger policies, including furlough pension payments and a clear path to a full 52 weeks off.

“Government-funded leave should be paid at least at minimum full-time wages, with consideration being given to encouraging employers to supplement payments up to full wage replacement,” the report states.

The pilot would be distributed across the workforce and run in collaboration with an Australian university.

A review of the idea of ​​the 38-hour work week and whether tougher penalties are needed for employers who allow staff to work long hours should be considered by the Fair Work Commission, the study said.

Another key recommendation from the report was to restrict employers from contacting employees outside of working hours unless it is an emergency.

“What people are saying is can we work our hours and once we get past it, unless it’s absolutely urgent, we should be able to turn off the phone and not be at his beck and call to call,” added Senator Pocock .

While the report received the broad support of Labor and Coalition senators, additional comments from government members noted that the reforms may not be possible in the current economic climate.

“This fiscal reality necessarily imposes constraints on social policy,” said Labor senators Deborah O’Neill, Jana Stewart and Linda White.

“It is now the government’s role to consider the report and its recommendations within the context of wider budgetary and regulatory constraints.”

Greens Senator Barbara Pocock, who chaired the inquiry, called on the government to give serious thought to the

Greens Senator Barbara Pocock, who chaired the inquiry, called on the government to give serious thought to the “ambitious” reforms to improve quality of life