Fortnite celebrates its “biggest day” in history with over 44 million players thanks to the return of the chapter 1 map

Fortnite broke his all-time player records on Saturday (November 4) following the launch of the nostalgia Fortnite O.G season, which has brought the classic Chapter One map back to the Battle Royale.

In a tweet posted by the official Fortnite account yesterday (November 5), the team thanked new and old players for their support, noting that it was “overwhelmed” by the response. It wrote: “A way to start things off with a big bang. We are overwhelmed by the response Fortnite O.G. Yesterday was the biggest day in Fortnite‘s history with over 44.7 MILLION players participating and 102 MILLION hours of play. To everyone Fortnite players, OG and new, THANK YOU!”

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