Former Pentagon official claims US recovered alien bodies

A former top Pentagon spy claims the US has recovered ‘alien beings’.

Former U.S. counterintelligence official and former Pentagon UFO investigator Luis Elizondo told reporters he can confirm that one of two “craft of unknown origin” has been recovered from the now legendary UFO crash in Roswell in 1947.

Even more shocking was what Elizondo said: “We as a nation are interested not only in the vehicles themselves, but in the occupants,” whom he called “biological specimens.”

Elizondo helped release three of the most famous UFO videos in history after resigning from his position at the U.S. Department of Defense in late 2017. His new The explosive allegations come amid the ex-spy’s press tour for his new memoir, set to air on NewsNation’s Special Report: Confessions of a UFO Hunter at 9 p.m. ET on Friday, Aug. 23.

“We are not alone,” former Pentagon official Luis Elizondo (pictured) told Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart in a preview of an upcoming special on TC channel NewsNation. “It’s a simple fact,” he added. “The U.S. government has been aware of that fact for decades.”

Elizondo first came to national attention in 2017 in the pages of the New York Times after he helped publish three U.S. Navy infrared UFO videos, including the GOFAST video (above).

The book contains, besides its many incredible revelations, details about a 2016 plan by Elizondo and his military colleagues to capture a UFO in the ocean.

“The United States is involved in recovering objects,” Elizondo told cable network NewsNation in the new interview, “vehicles of unknown origin that are not from our country or from any other foreign country that we are aware of.”

“We are not alone,” the former Pentagon official told Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart in an advance segment of the network’s upcoming special report.

“We are not alone in this universe and that is a simple fact,” Elizondo continued. “The U.S. government has been aware of this for decades.”

Elizondo first came to national attention in late 2017 in the New York Times, where he was a whistleblower on the U.S. military and intelligence community’s widespread mismanagement and excessive secrecy surrounding the subject of UFOs.

His public resignation and opaque role in the Pentagon’s UFO-hunting portfolio, known to Senate members as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), earned him fame and a starring role in a History Channel documentary series.

In April 2020, the Pentagon officially released three videos that Elizondo had helped leak in 2017. They were all taken by U.S. Navy fighter pilots who had allegedly seen “unexplained aerial phenomena” (UAP), as UFOs are now more technically known.

The videos show, as Elizondo said CNN‘things that have no definite flying surface, no definite form of propulsion (…) that maneuver in ways that are extremely agile, and that, I would argue, exceed the healthy G-forces of a human or anything biological.’

Despite confirmation from his colleagues and the late Senate Majority Leader who helped create AATIP, Nevada Democrat Harry Reid,The Department of Defense has maintained that Elizondo’s military role did not include official UFO-hunting duties.

Pentagon officials denied the existence of “any credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity,” in a statement responding to the upcoming interview with NewsNation.

“As we have previously stated, Luis Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security,” DoD spokesperson Sue Gough told NewsNation.

Critics of Gough have pointed out a 2003 research paper on psychological warfare that she wrote for the US Army War College, suggesting that the Pentagon spokesperson may have been part of a coordinated campaign to undermine Elizondo’s credibility.

And in May 2021, Elizondo filed a 64-page complaint with the DoD’s Office of the Inspector General, accusing high-ranking military officials of attempting to silence him by threatening his security clearances and covering up his work for AATIP. obtained a copy of Elizondo’s book Imminent, in which he shockingly and unequivocally stated that a ‘Legacy Program’ is ‘possession of advanced technology created off-planet by non-human intelligence’

Elizondo said he encountered “malicious activity, coordinated disinformation, professional misconduct, retaliation against whistleblowers, and explicit threats by certain senior Pentagon officials.”

These actions, he and his lawyers said, indicated “a coordinated effort to obscure the truth from the American people while jeopardizing my reputation as a former Pentagon intelligence officer.”

In his new memoir, Imminent, the former Pentagon official tells many more incredible personal stories, including the tale of his own family’s disturbing experience with “green orbs” floating through their home.

In the book, Elizondo also describes the plan he and another AATIP member had to capture UFOs on the high seas.

He told that their investigation indicated that these vessels were apparently interested in military operations and nuclear power, and were often seen around bodies of water.

So they teamed up with the Navy and other agencies to launch “Project Interloper,” an effort to lure the mysterious vessels and capture them with advanced equipment.

Above, veteran Australian TV newsreader and investigative journalist Ross Coulthart – who conducted the first televised interview with government UFO whistleblower David Grusch last year – conducted the new interview with Elizondo, which airs in its entirety on Friday.

“You take a nuclear carrier strike group, you have a nuclear aircraft carrier, you have a nuclear submarine and other nuclear assets in the area, and you put them in the water,” he told

The idea was to gather warships in the ocean and point their radar, sonar and cameras at the places they thought the UFOs would appear.

“There was an official plan that had support. It was briefed all the way up to the Joint Staff,” Elizondo said. “We had a lot of intelligence interest. Many agencies were on board. They were willing to put their efforts and resources into it. And at the last minute, it was rejected.”

“That was the last straw for me,” he told last Saturday.

NewsNation’s TV special “Confessions of a UFO Hunter” airs this Friday at 9 p.m. Eastern/8 p.m. Central.

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