Former Disneyland VIP guide reveals the biggest MISTAKES people make when visiting the theme park

  • Disneyland enthusiast Amber Wainwright shared her five recommendations
  • She advised against overdressing and spending too much time eating
  • Amber also suggested that guests could enjoy other attractions in addition to the park attractions

A former Disneyland VIP guide has revealed the five biggest regrets guests often suffer when visiting the parks due to planning mistakes.

Disneyland enthusiast Amber Wainwright presented Business insider about how to make the most of a trip to the self-proclaimed ‘happiest place on earth’.

Amber made a slew of recommendations, including not dressing too much, nor spending too much time dining at the local restaurants.

She also urged customers to look beyond the rides, embrace the rain and go solo for a day.

Disneyland enthusiast Amber Wainwright told Business Insider how to get the most out of a trip to the self-proclaimed ‘happiest place on earth’ (stock image)

Don’t make their mistakes! Disney park guests’ biggest regrets revealed

  • Put on over-the-top costumes or themed outfits
  • Wearing inappropriate footwear
  • Spending too much time in a park restaurant
  • Missing park attractions outside of the rides
  • Assuming the park won’t be nice due to light rain

Amber immediately launched her list of recommendations and began advising visitors not to overdress for a busy day of activities.

She described seeing guests in Disney-themed attire as one of her “favorite things,” but also issued a warning.

‘I notice that many park guests do not realize that their outfits also have to be functional.

“People often regret wearing heels, flip-flops and brand new shoes to Disneyland,” Amber warned.

She said she had previously met a guest who came to the park in dress shoes.

And after suffering from seriously sore feet, he was forced to have a pair of tennis shoes delivered via Uber.

But that’s not the only stumbling block.

Disneyland offers a variety of dining options for guests throughout the day, but Amber told visitors to spend their time and money wisely.

“If guests have limited time to explore the parks, it may not be worth spending two to three hours on an expensive dinner.”

“I’ve seen the disappointment on people’s faces when they finish an expensive dinner and realize they don’t have time to ride the number one attraction on their list,” she said.

Amber made a whole host of recommendations, including not dressing too much, and also not spending too much time dining in the local restaurants (stock image)

Instead, the Disney expert suggested that guests set themselves a time limit for their meal breaks or opt for snacks on the go.

Amber then encouraged guests to go beyond the attractions.

‘There is so much more to do in the parks. The place is full of talented, hard-working employees who create and perform shows worth attending,” she explained.

The former employee recommended the park’s parades, nightly spectacles and daily events, to name a few.

Amber explained, “The way I see it, it’s not worth missing a great show because of a two-hour wait for a short ride.”

And as for the weather, Amber urged visitors not to rain check.

‘I like to spend time in the parks when it rains a bit.

“As long as I have a jacket and the rain isn’t too heavy, I can have a great day without the sun beating down on me,” she said.

The Disneyland fan said most of the rides are still active and the park being less crowded is an added bonus.

Last but not least, Amber shared that there were many benefits to visiting Disneyland alone.

She concluded, “If guests travel to Disney alone, they don’t have to argue about what to do next, can use the single-rider line at some attractions and travel on their own schedule.”

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