Former Australian special forces leader Paul Cale mugged in Brisbane after walking out from teaching a self defence class

A hand-to-hand combat instructor and former Special Forces soldier reported being attacked by a knife-wielding assailant shortly after he had given a lesson in sword fighting techniques.

Paul Cale, CEO of the self-defense company Kinetic Fighting, posted on Facebook on Saturday that he had just been attacked.

“Firstly I am safe and sound. I am with the police and am making a report to detectives and I would like to commend the Queensland Police Service for their prompt response to my emergency call,” he wrote.

‘The irony is not lost on me that I was attacked by a knife-wielding mugger in Brisbane today, just after I was giving a workshop on identifying and defending against sharp weapons.

‘Unbelievable!’ PS My old mate got a kick in the face.’

Those who commented on the incident were quick to point out that the robber had been unlucky or simply stupid.

“Damn, what a bad guy in Australia to wear something like that!!,” said one.

Former Special Forces commander and personal combat instructor Paul Cale says he was attacked by a knife-wielding mugger

Mr Cale (pictured right) said he was unharmed in the attack but was kicked in the face by the robber

Mr Cale (pictured right) said he was unharmed in the attack but was kicked in the face by the robber

‘Skills put aside… [who] “trying to rob a guy your size,” another commented.

“WE WANT THE FOOTAGE!… for training purposes only..,” said another Facebook user.

Mr Cale and Queensland Police have been contacted for comment.

The Kinetic Fighting website states that Mr Cale has been in the Australian Army for 30 years. Most of that time was in the Special Forces, but he now provides combat training to defence personnel.

After five tours as a commando in Afghanistan, Mr. Cale developed hand-to-hand combat courses and soldier centers, becoming “the Army’s expert on the Army Combatives Program.”