‘Forever chemicals’ are found in water sources around New Mexico, studies find

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — So-called forever chemicals have been found in water sources throughout New Mexico, according to recent studies by the U.S. Geological Survey and state environmental officials.

The federal agency detailed the findings Wednesday, the same day the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced its first-ever limits for several common types of PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

PFAS are used in everyday products, from nonstick pans and firefighting foam to waterproof clothing, and have been linked to cancer and other health problems in humans. They are known as forever chemicals because they do not break down in the environment and remain in the bloodstream.

The New Mexico study detected PFAS in all major rivers in the dry state, with the highest concentrations downstream of urban areas.

USGS researchers looked more closely at water quality in the Rio Grande as it flows through Albuquerque, New Mexico’s largest city, and found PFAS levels downstream that were about 10 times higher than at upstream locations.

Dozens of samples were also taken from groundwater wells and surface water sites as part of an initial statewide survey between August 2020 and October 2021, with officials saying the majority of wells sampled did not yield PFAS. Work began after contamination was discovered at military installations.

Andy Jochems from the Ministry of Environment’s water protection team said the latest findings will be useful in making decisions about protecting drinking water sources in the future.

Kimberly Beisner, a USGS hydrologist and lead author of the studies, said the work highlights the complex nature of chemicals in urban areas and their effects on river systems. She noted that concentrations near cities are constantly changing, for example due to wastewater discharge and rainwater runoff.

The utility serving the Albuquerque area has not seen PFAS concentrations in its drinking water system approaching EPA limits, so officials said Wednesday they do not expect the new regulations to require any action other than continued monitoring and reporting.

As for pollutants from Albuquerque entering the Rio Grande, utility spokesman David Morris said it is possible that improvements will be needed at some point at the city’s sewage treatment plant.