Footy supremo Peter V’landys says the NRL has its eyes on admitting another overseas-based team – and it WON’T be in Papua New Guinea

  • Peter V’landys reveals plans for second New Zealand team
  • A team from PNG is still the favorite to become the 18th team
  • Footy boss says Wayne Bennett will be a key advisor

Rugby league boss Peter V’landys has revealed the NRL is looking for a new overseas-based team – this time in southern New Zealand.

V’landys touched down in Vegas on Sunday ahead of the NRL double-header at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, and detailed the $420 million war chest the NRL will use to fuel expansion offshore.

A Papua New Guinea franchise remains the favorite to become the NRL’s 18th team, but V’landys says a new team from New Zealand’s South Island is also a real possibility.

“A second New Zealand team has merit,” V’landys said.

‘Maybe not as the eighteenth team, because we are looking at PNG with the support of the Australian government, but there are certainly advantages if we go to twenty teams.

Rugby league boss Peter V’landys says a second New Zealand team is being looked at

The footy boss spoke about the NRL’s $420 million expansion war chest after reaching Vegas for the Code double header (pictured left to right, stars Aaron Woods, Campbell Graham, Spencer Leniu and Bill Walters at Allegiant Stadium in Vegas)

‘If Nick Politis (Roosters chairman) says we should consider 20 teams, you certainly do that because he is a very successful businessman.

“The Warriors have been great in the game, there’s a lot of support in New Zealand.

“If anyone from Nick’s success says we should look at 20 teams, we’re going to look at it. And we have to have a strategy to get there at some point, whether that’s three years, five years or 10 years.”

The football boss said Wayne Bennett will be consulted on the expansion plans, with the possibility of new teams being floated in the next six months.

“Wayne Bennett will absolutely be consulted,” V’landys said.

“He’s a genius – Wayne is the most valuable resource we have in the game.

‘There’s no point in leaving it in the garage.

“Wayne has 40 or 50 years of rugby league knowledge and he would be the perfect person to be involved in setting up an 18th team.

New Zealand football fans will soon be able to support a second NRL team

“We will rely very heavily on him for his advice and input on the expansion.”

V’landys said the amount of work being done behind the scenes on the PNG bid would shock football fans.

“People will be surprised where we are with the PNG bid,” V’landys said.

“It’s 100 percent not a pipe dream.

‘We have worked very hard. It’s 100 percent reality.

“Anyone who thinks the PNG team would be a failure doesn’t have the facts we have.

‘We are well on our way.’

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