Foodie reveals how you should REALLY eat a bowl of mussels


Foodie reveals how you should REALLY eat a bowl of mussels: ‘You’ve been doing this wrong your whole life’

  • A mum has gone viral on Facebook for revealing the ‘correct’ way to eat mussels
  • She uses an empty mussel shell like a pair of tongs to eat the shellfish
  • The shell works in a pincer-like motion and helps her scoop out the meat easily
  • Thousands were shocked and shared the inefficient methods they have used







A mum has shocked thousands by revealing the ‘correct’ way to eat mussels – and it does not call for any utensils at all.

Debra, from Perth, posted a video to Facebook and Instagram reels that showcased her mother using an empty mussel shell like a pair of chopsticks to eat shellfish.

‘Apparently this is how you eat mussels!’ Debra captioned the video. ‘My mind is blown! Does anyone else do this?’

Scroll down for video 

Debra, from Perth, posted a video to Facebook reels that showcased her mother using an empty mussel shell like a pair of chopsticks to eat shellfish 


How do you eat mussels?

  • I use an empty mussel shell 19 votes
  • Fork and knife 17 votes
  • Just with my bare hands 8 votes

The mum is seen holding an empty shell between her thumb and forefinger so that it can be opened and closed in a pincer-like motion.

She then used the shell to grip onto and gently pull the meat out of another shell. 

The mum simply ate the piece of mussel from the shell as if she were using a fork.

Several people were stunned by the revelation and could not believe they were eating mussels wrong their whole lives.

‘Mussels are nature’s chopsticks,’ said one woman. 

‘All French people do it like this!’ revealed another. ‘That is the CORRECT way to eat mussels.’

‘This looks so easy … and to think I’ve been poking at them with a fork and knife for years.’ 

The mum is seen holding an empty shell between her thumb and forefinger so that it can be opened and closed in a pincer-like motion

Others revealed different methods they use to eat the dish.

‘I also use a half shell as a spoon or scrapper sometimes – works like a charm!’

‘My mum always made us use chopsticks as children … not as bad as a fork and knife but this just looks so much easier,’ added a second.

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