Food safety expert reveals the ONLY four foods safe to cut mold off and eat

It’s a dilemma most people face but never get a straight answer to when they search online: What foods are safe to eat, even if they’re moldy?

Sylvia Anderson, a food hygiene consultant in London, UK, said firm fruits and vegetables are usually safe as long as you cut out the toxins – but spreads, sauces and even bread carry a health risk.

She said hard foods were safe because mold would have difficulty penetrating deep into them, but cautioned that this was not the case with softer and more moist items.

Sylvia Anderson, a food hygiene expert, has revealed which foods you can and can’t safely eat after they go moldy

Some molds are dangerous for food because they can cause allergic reactions and breathing problems.

A few molds can also emit “mycotoxins” into food, which are toxins that can cause food poisoning.

Among those who have revealed they remove mold from food is former British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said she would rather scrape mold off the top of a jar of jam than throw it away.

Below is her list of foods you can and cannot eat if mold appears on the surface:

Moldy bread should be avoided, she said

DO NOT EAT: Moldy bread

Many of us are tempted to just chop off the piece of mold on bread we can see before consuming the rest.

But Ms. Anderson advised against doing this.

She told the Insider that this was because the food is porous or has many openings, then the mold could have easily spread to other areas.

These growths, she warned, may not be as visible to the naked eye, but they are still there.

Yogurt, sour cream and soft cheese are best avoided if mold appears

DO NOT EAT: Yogurt, sour cream, and soft cheese

Yogurt, sour cream, and soft cheeses were at the top of Ms. Anderson’s list of foods to avoid once mold appears on the surface.

She said the high moisture content in it means the contaminant can spread far below the surface in the product.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) also recommends throwing them away, saying, “Foods with a high moisture content can become contaminated below the surface.

“Moldy food can also allow bacteria to grow along with the mold.”

Molds can also release mycotoxins into the food, which can lead to food poisoning.

Moldy pasta source should also be avoided

DO NOT EAT: Pasta sauce

Pasta sauces also made it onto the list, with Ms. Anderson saying that while it was tempting to scoop the shape off the top, it was best avoided.

She explained that even if it is removed, there is still moisture under it where mold can still grow.

When asked about this, she told the Insider “absolutely not,” adding, “And that’s a real shame because I buy really expensive pesto sauce.”

Firm fruits and vegetables can be eaten once the mold has been removed

OK TO EAT: Firm fruits and vegetables – but avoid the soft ones

Firm fruits and vegetables such as carrots, cabbage and peppers are safe to eat once the mold has been removed, Ms Anderson said.

This is because they have a low moisture content, she said, making it difficult for the fungi to penetrate deep into the food.

But when removing the mold spots, she recommended not sticking the knife in in case of cross-contamination.

The USDA recommends cutting at least an inch around and below the mold spot on the food.

When asked about soft fruits and vegetables that become moldy, such as cucumbers, peaches and tomatoes, she said they were best avoided.

The USDA warns, “Soft fruits and vegetables with high moisture content can become contaminated below the surface.”

Hard cheeses are safe once the mold is removed

OK TO EAT: Hard cheese

Another food that is safe to eat once the mold is removed is hard cheese.

This is a cheese such as Parmigiano, Pecorino, Cheddar and Gruyère, where mold is not part of the product, as is the case with blue cheeses.

Ms Anderson said that once the cheeses were removed from the moulds, the cheeses were safe to use as their density and low moisture content made them unlikely to penetrate deeper into the product.

The USDA says the blade should be kept unmolded to prevent contamination and the cheese should be covered in fresh foil after removal.

Hard salami is safe once the mold has been removed

OK TO EAT: Hard salami

Salami, which consists of air-dried meat wrapped in a casing, is safe to eat after mold removal, experts say.

Most of them even have mold on them – that’s the white powder on the outside of the product.

Ms Anderson said this was safe to eat after mold removal.

The USDA says it’s fine to eat these items once the mold has been scrubbed off the surface.

Jelly and marmalade can also be eaten once the mold has been removed

OK TO EAT: Jelly and marmalade

Sometimes a layer of mold can form on jars of jelly and marmalade.

But Ms. Anderson said these were still fine to eat after someone removed the first layer of the mold.

She explained to the Insider that the sugar in these products acts as a preservative, preventing mold from entering the entire product. She said it was best to remove the first inch.

However, the USDA disagrees that it’s best to throw these foods out.

They said, ‘The fungus can produce a mycotoxin.

“Microbiologists don’t recommend scooping out the mold and using the leftover spice.”

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