Food including chilli and chocolate can help reduce the effects of jet lag, Qantas research reveals

The impact of jet lag can be reduced by “reshaping” the onboard travel experience, research has shown, with foods such as chilli and chocolate shown to “contribute to improved traveler well-being.”

These findings come from research conducted by Australian airline Qantas and the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Center during test flights for Qantas’ ‘Project Sunrise’ program, which will connect Sydney directly to New York and London for the first time from late 2025 .

Different lighting and sleep schedules, meals, and exercise and exercise were also highlighted as reducing the severity of jet lag, a statement said.

Quantas has been working with the Charles Perkins Center at the University of Sydney since 2015, when it first began preparations to launch direct flights from Perth to London.

Qantas conducted three Project Sunrise research flights from New York and London to Sydney in 2019 in collaboration with Australian researchers to collect real passenger data.

Qantas operated three Project Sunrise jet lag research flights from New York and London to Sydney in 2019. Findings from the flights include that foods such as chilli and chocolate “contribute to improved traveler well-being”

Researchers traveled on the Qantas aircraft for research flights and followed 23 volunteer customers (above) as they followed a specially designed menu, lighting, sleep and motion sequences

Researchers traveled by plane and followed 23 volunteer customers equipped with wearable device technology during the 20-hour flights as they followed a specially designed menu, lighting, sleep and motion sequences.

The initial findings, which have not yet been published, indicate that, compared to customers with a traditional inflight eating and sleeping sequence, those on a tailored schedule experienced less severe jet lag (self-reported), better inflight sleep quality and better in-flight cognitive performance. two days after the flight, the statement revealed.

The onboard trials include bespoke lighting schedules in the cabin to facilitate adaptation to the destination time zone and integrate simple stretching and motion activities.

They also adjusted the timing of meals to align the body clock and encouraged wakefulness and sleep by using specific menu items, including fish and chicken paired with fast-acting carbohydrates, as well as comfort foods such as milk-based soups and desserts.

The goal, the statement said, was to promote the brain’s production of the amino acid tryptophan (‘Tryp’), so that passengers can dream away more easily.

The specially designed Airbus A350s that Qantas will use for Project Sunrise flights will include an onboard ‘Wellbeing Zone’, based on the research, where passengers can take time to stretch and do simple onboard exercises guided by video screens .

The specially designed Airbus A350s that Qantas will use for Project Sunrise flights will have a ‘Wellbeing Zone’ on board (above)

Passengers can take a rest in the Wellness Zone and do simple exercises, guided by video screens

Peter Cistulli, a professor of sleep medicine at the University of Sydney, said while the study was underway, there were clear signs that the interventions implemented during the trial flights reduced the impact of ultra-long-haul travel.

“The initial results are promising and it has given us tremendous momentum to look to the next phase of customer research to support Project Sunrise’s product and service design,” said Professor Cistulli.

‘We have a multidisciplinary team of more than ten researchers with medical, scientific and technical backgrounds working together on this project. Think of sleep researchers, circadian experts, nutrition and exercise experts. No airline has ever done this kind of research before.

“The initial findings have given us optimism that through this partnership with Qantas, we can make a real difference to the health and well-being of international travelers.”

Qantas has unveiled prototypes of the lavish first (above) and corporate cabins of the aircraft that will fly passengers non-stop from Sydney to New York and London from late 2025

First-class seats have an extra-wide fixed bed, a separate recliner, a personal wardrobe, a dining table for two and a 32-inch ultra-high-definition TV

Business Class passengers have seats (upper) with privacy doors, six-foot daybeds and “generous” storage

This view shows the economy seats on the Project Sunrise A350s


Qantas recently unveiled prototypes of the lavish first and corporate cabins (depicted in the main story) of the aircraft that will fly passengers non-stop from Sydney to New York and London from late 2025.

The key to the cabin design, Qantas says, is to give passengers more room by configuring the A350s for 238 passengers compared to other carriers’ more than 300 seats.

The Qantas A350 will have six first suites in a 1-1-1 configuration and 52 business suites in a 1-2-1 configuration, with direct aisle access for everyone.

Qantas says the first-class suite “has a range of features to make customers feel like they are in a small boutique hotel room, complete with an extra-wide fixed bed, separate armchair, personal wardrobe, dining table for two and a 32 -in ultra high definition TV’.

Business Class passengers, meanwhile, have seats with privacy doors, six-foot daybeds, “generous” storage – including a full-length mirror – cushioned leather footstools, 18-inch high-definition touchscreen TVs, large dining tables and “feature lighting.”

Qantas adds that both classes will offer “multiple charging options for personal devices, including induction wireless charging.”

Qantas Group CEO Alan Joyce said the flag carrier was excited about the prospect of minimizing jet lag and revolutionizing international flying for all travelers.

“Given our geographical location, Qantas has a long history of using imagination and innovation to overcome the tyranny of distance between Australia and the rest of the world,” said Mr. Joyce.

“Now that we have the aircraft technology to do these flights, we want to make sure the customer experience evolves as well, which is why we’re doing this research and designing our cabins and service differently.

“Our A350s will have about 100 fewer seats than most of our competitors, giving us more space in all classes, as well as a well-being zone for premium economy and economy passengers to stretch out. People can choose how they spend their time, but we make science-based recommendations around menu choices and best times to eat or rest. That extends to before and after the flight to improve how people feel when they arrive on the other side of the world.

“Importantly, these direct flights actually reduce the total travel time by more than three hours compared to one-stop services.”

Parallel research has also been conducted to manage crew welfare on these flights, the statement said, which also draws on experience from other ultra-long-haul flights operated by Qantas.

Delivery of the first A350 to Qantas is scheduled for late 2025, with the Project Sunrise launch route between Sydney and New York expected to commence shortly thereafter.

Qantas currently uses Boeing Dreamliners for non-stop flights between London Heathrow and Perth, a distance of 14,498 km (9,008 miles).

London to Sydney is a distance of 16,983 km (10,553 miles) and New York to Sydney is 15,979 km (9,929 miles).

A Qantas Boeing 787 Dreamliner arrives at Sydney International Airport after a direct flight from New York on Sunday, October 20, 2019, as part of the Project Sunrise investigation

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