Florida woman is suing local French bakery after plastering posters calling her ‘cake thief’ in the window after tiff at the checkout – leaving her hospitalized with stress

Florida woman is suing local French bakery after plastering posters calling her ‘cake thief’ in the window after tiff at the checkout – leaving her hospitalized with stress

  • Margarita Sciapin, a Boca Raton jewelry designer, is suing her local French bakery after a feud over payment for a cake left her hospitalized from stress
  • Paris Morning Bakery claims the mother refunded a purchase but decided to keep the cake anyway
  • Sciapin’s lawsuit, filed last week, seeks damages of more than $50,000

A Florida woman is suing her local French bakery after a feud over a refunded pie left her hospitalized with stress.

Margarita Sciapin, a jewelry designer from Boca Raton, bought a $29 mocha cake at Paris Morning Bakery in Boca Raton one day in January earlier this year.

A dispute over payment led the bakery to put posters next to the mother’s register with the words “pie thief,” a receipt with her full name and some of her credit card information on it.

Now Sciapin is suing the company for emotional damages and defamation totaling more than $50,000.

Sciapin remembers legal documents filed last week how the cashier gave her the wrong product when she went to pick up her mocha pie and was unable to “just switch the pies.”

Paris Morning Bakery in Boca Raton posted photos of Margarita Sciapin after a dispute over payment in January

Now Sciapin (pictured) is suing the company for emotional damages and defamation totaling more than $500,000

The employee, claims Sciapin, instead suggested issuing a refund and charging her again for the cake.

Sciapin says she didn’t want that runs the risk of being charged twice so decided to keep the original cake and told the employee ‘not to worry’.

However, the bakery remembers the events differently.

One of the posters offered an explanation for the public disgrace: “This Karen thief stole a cake from us on January 22, 2023 at 5pm.”

‘When an employee tried to explain that our refunds don’t appear on the statements immediately, she got angry, refused to believe the employee, took the cake and left with her cake already refunded.

“She was very impatient when the clerk tried to figure out how to do a refund slip, instead of waiting she ran off with the cake,” the poster concluded.

Sciapin claims the posters led to her 12-year-old daughter being scolded at school and putting her in such a state of stress and anxiety that she was hospitalized for shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

That’s what an employee of the bakery told me the Miami New Times that images from Sciapin’s social media were used to create the posters.

Sciapin says she didn’t want to risk being sued twice, so she decided to keep the original cake

Paris Morning Bakery has now removed the ‘wanted’ style posters from its stores

Sciapin, a jewelry designer, claims the ordeal left her hospitalized with stress

Materials featuring Sciapin were distributed across Paris Morning locations, she says.

“It’s like a thing in our stores. They actually printed a bunch of different themes of her and then gave it to our stores in case she comes back. We have souvenirs of it in our kitchen,” the employee said.

A manager at the store told the publication that Sciapin “didn’t see the refund on her credit card and said she’d just take the cake.”

“If she had waited two minutes for the employee to text me to find out how to print a receipt, she would have gotten it. But she was rushing the employee and not patient, not very understanding.’

The bakery workers said the posters have been removed.

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