Florida passes bill to compensate victims of decades-old reform school abuse

TALAHASSEE, Fla. — Restitution for decades of abuse at two now-closed reform schools where boys were beaten, raped and murdered is now in the hands of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis after the Senate unanimously passed a bill Monday to set aside $20 million for the victims.

The bill creates a process for former inmates of the Dozier School for Boys in Marianna and the Florida School for Boys in Okeechobee to file claims of physical, mental or sexual abuse between 1940 and 1975. It is estimated that the victims each received approximately $ 50,000 will receive.

“It’s been too long,” said Sen. Darryl Rouson, the Democrat who sponsored the bill. “This is just a small sign of a vast ocean of pain, but it is what we can do now.”

As he spoke, a group of about 20 victims stood in the public gallery of the Senate, one wiping tears from his eyes.

“Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for continuing to fight. Thank you for telling the story, and the stories of those who are not here and cannot speak. We welcome your presence today,” Rouson continued.

A group known as The White House Boys, named after the white concrete building in Dozier where boys were taken and beaten with a long leather belt, has tried for years to gain recognition for the abuse. Nearly 100 boys died in Dozier between 1900 and 1973, and the University of South Florida spent four years digging up remains from 55 unmarked graves in overgrown woods on the school’s grounds.

The Legislature formally apologized for the abuse seven years ago, but Rouson continued to ask for restitution and introduced bills that were ineligible in recent years to compensate the men.

“Money doesn’t cure or pay for much, or erase the wrongs of the past, but it certainly helps,” said Sen. Tracie Davis, a Democrat who sponsored similar legislation when she was in the House of Representatives. “It certainly helps if, at the age of 70 or 80, you get the tools and help you need to end your days better than they started.”

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