Florida Congresswoman Says She ‘Absolutely Believes’ UFOs ‘Are Not of Human Origin’ – After Private Military Briefings

A Florida congresswoman says she believes some of the UFO sightings that have made headlines in recent years are “of non-human origin” and may be “interdimensional beings.”

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna is a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, which has investigated UFO claims and held historic hearings involving military whistleblowers.

She revealed to The Grant Mitt Podcast this week that after a secret meeting with Air Force whistleblowers, she “absolutely believes” that the planes she and others have described are “of non-human origin.”

Luna also claimed that she was “men in black” at that same meeting, first by Pentagon officials who tried to cancel the visit, and then by CIA agents who inexplicably monitored her meeting with Air Force personnel.

Reps. Matt Gaetz (left), Tim Burchett (center) and Anna Paulina Luna (right) recently traveled to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, Rep. Luna said. There they received secret information about UFOs from a whistleblower

Her line referenced the pop culture conspiracy theory image of government agents in black suits, sent to keep people quiet about UFO sightings.

β€œAs a member of Oversight, we reach out to whistleblowers and can also conduct our own investigation,” she told Mitterlehner.

In the course of one of these investigations, she said, Luna and two other U.S. representatives went to Eglin Air Force Base, on the Florida Panhandle, where they met with one such whistleblower.

The other two representatives present for the visit were Tim Burchett of Tennessee, who is also a member of the Oversight and Accountability Committee, and Matt Gaetz of Florida, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Judiciary Committee.

She left that visit with strong conclusions:

β€œI can tell you, based on my research, not in a secret setting, that I absolutely believe that there are things that are advanced technologies and not of human origin,” she told Mitterlehner.

Luna alleged that the Pentagon tried to cancel her visit to Eglin Air Force Base, which she made as part of a delegation to investigate whistleblowers' claims that the Air Force was hiding information about UFOs.

Luna alleged that the Pentagon tried to cancel her visit to Eglin Air Force Base, which she made as part of a delegation to investigate whistleblowers’ claims that the Air Force was hiding information about UFOs.

Her views are increasingly shared among lawmakers and the American public as a series of high-profile revelations and hearings in recent years have taken UFOs out of the realm of conspiracy theories and into the arena of political debate.

Luna, Gaetz and others have urged the Pentagon to release material related to UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena).

Pilots from Eglin had come to Representative Gaetz’s office to say that the Air Force was covering up UAP activities and that Congress should look into it.

“We coordinated the meeting,” Luna said. β€œThe Pentagon initially tried to cancel the first one. We have it back in the books. We showed up there and we got in, and the base commander basically tried to tell us that we weren’t allowed to examine and speak to some witnesses.

U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna could not release classified details about her meeting with military officials in Eglin, but she told Grant Mitterlehner that she

U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna could not release classified details about her meeting with military officials in Eglin, but she told Grant Mitterlehner that she “absolutely believes” the UAP footage “is not of human origin.”

β€œYou don’t tell Congress that we don’t have the authorization,” she said, β€œespecially members of the House Armed Services, Oversight and Judiciary.”

READ MORE: Whistleblower David Grusch suggests people were killed as part of conspiracy to keep alien craft secret

Grusch – a former high-ranking intelligence official – testified under oath in July that they had firsthand knowledge of secret programs involving technology far beyond US capabilities

David Grusch – a former high-ranking intelligence official – is one of three military whistleblowers who have testified under oath that they have firsthand knowledge of secret programs involving technology far beyond US capabilities

So she talked it out with the base commander, Luna said. And in the middle of the meeting he took a leave of absence. β€œWhich never happens when a delegation goes to a military base,” she added.

There were also attendees at the meeting that Luna was “pretty sure” were from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), an unusual occurrence.

‘Why should an intelligence agency be present at a meeting for whistleblowers?’ she asked.

Luna also spoke about the July 2023 congressional hearing where whistleblower David Grusch outlined under oath how the U.S. government has known about UFOs for nearly a century and misinformed the public about them.

That hearing, which followed Luna’s visit to Eglin, included information she found “particularly alarming” because of allegations that people may have been killed to keep the UFO story secret.

“Have you received classified information?” Mitterlehner asked Luna.

“Yes, but I can’t talk about that,” she replied

When asked if she had believed in aliens before joining Congress, Luna corrected the record.

“I wouldn’t call them aliens,” she said. “I really like what Grusch calls them: he says they’re interdimensional beings, and he’s very specific about that.”

This still image is from a previously released, unclassified U.S. government video taken by an Air Force pilot.  Representative Luna said pilots no longer hesitate to speak up when they see unexplained phenomena in the sky

This still image is from a previously released, unclassified U.S. government video taken by an Air Force pilot. Representative Luna said pilots no longer hesitate to speak up when they see unexplained phenomena in the sky

What this means, Luna clarified, was that “they are not necessarily a biological entity from another planet.”

The case she was referring to was likely one from last year, in which Gaetz had described seeing images of “a sphere” hanging over the Gulf of Mexico and moving in a way “unsuitable for any human capacity.” .

He saw the images during a visit to Eglin AFB, where Air Force pilots described a diamond formation of aircraft they saw on radar.

β€œOne of the pilots goes to check out that diamond formation and sees a large, floating, what I can only describe as a sphere,” he said at the time. “Again, as I said, not of any human ability, that I’m aware of.”

She also talked about the tremendous change the country has undergone in recent years, moving away from the stigma that used to be attached to talking about aliens or UFOs.

β€œWhen I was stationed in the Portland Air Guard unit several years ago, I remember there was an incident, and the pilots came back and I asked one of them what he thought it was, and he couldn’t really talk . about it,” she said. ‘He didn’t want that, because the stigma that the army has is that you are crazy.

β€œBut we see that with, especially the technology that we have, even your iPhone for example, you can record things and it won’t be classified.”

β€œWe hope more people come forward,” she added.

Luna also noted that she is encouraged by the bipartisan push for transparency on this issue, which makes it ironic that other government officials or offices appear to be blocking her and her colleagues’ efforts to find out what’s happening with UAPs.

β€œIf Congress writes the bills to fund these programs, but we don’t have authorized access and oversight over them, then that’s not necessarily something that happens in a free country, right?” she said. “So we keep pushing.”