Florida boy, 3, is killed by oncoming car going 65 mph after running into traffic while his mom, 31, suffered ‘severe injuries’ as she tries ‘my best to save him’ during tragic rescue attempt

A three-year-old Florida boy has died after crashing into traffic, while his mother, who was also hit, was seriously injured as she tried to save the toddler.

Cayden Denny was with his mother, Cassandra Lyn Becher, 31, and another unidentified person when the incident occurred on December 3.

Becher had parked her car with a trailer attached to the back in her garage while the child got out of the vehicle.

Denny started running away from his mother, got behind the trailer and started running down a highway.

Becher began running after him and both mother and son were struck by a 2009 Honda Pilot, according to police. Melbourne Police Station.

The toddler was pronounced dead and Becher broke her fibula, tendons and ligaments in the collision.

Cayden Denny died after crashing into traffic while his mother was also hit

Becher had parked her car with a trailer attached to the back in her garage while the child got out of the vehicle. Denny started running away from his mother, got behind the trailer and started running down a highway

Both suffered 'serious' injuries as a result of the collision and the toddler was eventually pronounced dead

The devastated mum wrote on Facebook: 'As most of you know, Johnny Denny and I tragically lost our son Cayden on Sunday evening.

“I can't even express how I feel right now, other than empty. I was physically injured when the vehicle struck Cayden and me while I was traveling at 60 miles per hour on Dairy Road in front of our home. All I really know is that I did my best to save him.

'It all happened very quickly. My body is recovering, but I'm not sure my heart ever will. I am currently living my worst nightmare. I would like to thank everyone for their support and kind words.

“Please keep my son in your prayers. If any of you knew Cayden, you know how much light he brought to every room. We're devastated!'

The devastated mum wrote on Facebook: 'I can't even express how I feel right now other than empty. I'm living my worst nightmare right now.'

One of the pages was launched by a family friend on behalf of the father, Jonny Denny, and aims to raise money for the toddler's funeral

Two GoFundMe pages have been launched to support the family.

One of the pages was launched by a family friend on behalf of Cayden's father, Jonny Denny, and aims to raise money for the toddler's funeral.

The page reads: 'He [Cayden] was the coolest little boy and the pride and joy of his family. They were a young family just starting their lives as a family begins.

“Cayden died in a car accident. This tragedy leaves a big hole in the hearts of many people.

'We are raising money to cover the funeral costs and travel costs of some immediate family members who live outside the area. Anything left will go to the family to cover various expenses and bills as they process and grieve.”

From Thursday afternoon the crowdfunding page has raised $12,435 of its $12,500 goal.

The page reads: 'He [Cayden]was the coolest little boy and the pride and joy of his family. They were a young family just beginning their lives as a family begins.”

Becher's mother, Michelle Becher, launched the other GoFundMe page to raise money for her daughter's medical expenses

Becher's mother, Michelle Becher, launched the other GoFundMe page to raise money for her daughter's medical expenses.

“I'm starting a GoFundMe to help with expenses and funeral costs. 100% of donations will go to Cassie,” she wrote.

'Cassie has a broken fibula and tendons and ligaments are severely damaged. She will not be able to do her usual things such as driving, cooking, cleaning and much more.

“She will have to rely on others to help her heal. In addition to any funeral expenses, she will use this money for transportation, bills and medical expenses,” the page said.

Her page has raised $12,350 out of its $15,000 goal.

A public memorial will be held tomorrow at Pelican Beach Park's Satellite Beach in Florida.

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