Flight attendant reveals the one thing they would ‘never ever’ do on a plane

Stewardess reveals the one thing they ‘would never’ do on an airplane

  • While it’s tempting to unload your stuff, think twice before doing so
  • Reddit user shared which parts of the plane travelers should not touch

You scramble down the plane’s aisle to your seat between the sleeping woman at the window and the man whose legroom needs will no doubt become a shared concern shortly after takeoff.

But you slide in, buckle up and enjoy the turbulence created by the child in the seat behind you.

Then you create your personal zone of tranquility. Book, iPad, free magazine, all tucked into the front seat flap, your bag tucked under… now only seven hours to go.

It’s not just the captain on autopilot. You do the same every flight. And according to a flight attendant, you’ve been doing something very wrong all along.

While your priority may be to unload your belongings and get comfortable, a flight attendant has suggested that passengers think twice before using the flap in the front seat (File Image)

The cabin crew member explained that planes are not cleaned as thoroughly as one would hope during short-haul flights (File image)

The flight visited took to Reddit to warn passengers that no matter how excited they are to fly to a spot in the sun, they should think about the risk of a bout of holiday sickness caused by my close contact with the front seat on the flight .

The advice includes avoiding touching the plane seat at all costs and even storing belongings such as phones, books, tablets and snacks in the seat compartment for you.

The attendant said passengers should “never, never, ever use or put anything in the seat pocket of the plane.

The user named HausofDarling posted a message on a forum on the social media site titled “Reddit flight attendants, what are some disturbing secrets passengers should know?”, revealing that the reason is purely based on hygiene.

They said, “I ALWAYS advise you to NEVER, EVER, NEVER use or put anything in the seat pocket.

‘They are cleaned up, but never ‘cleaned’. I have withdrawn and have seen all sorts of species have gone out from there. Dirty handkerchiefs, pockets, underpants, socks, folk feet, chewing gum, half-sucked candies, apple cores… and then you go on the next flight and put your phone/laptop/iPad in it.”

They continued said: ‘If you’re flying short distances, be sure to bring antibacterial wipes or sanitizer. Many airlines have the crew “flip” the plane, which means they pick up your trash, fold your seatbelt, stow your magazines in the seat pocket, and then welcome new passengers on board.

“I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had to tell people how disgusting it is to change their baby on the tray or in a chair.”

Users of the site were disgusted by the revelations, with one responding, “I came in here expecting to hear how filthy and disgusting it is on an airplane. Wasn’t disappointed. Nasty chairs, nasty blankets, nasty pillows, nasty water, nasty tables…..mean nasty nasty!’

Other Redditors also advised flyers not to touch or eat from other parts of the plane — including never eating food dropped on a tray or using the plane’s cushions (File image)

While a second member of the cabin crew added: ‘We hardly ever clean the pockets in the backs of the seats. Reach there at your own risk…”

Meanwhile, other users provided additional advice on what travelers should and shouldn’t do on airplanes.

One user wrote: “Woman is a cabin crew – Don’t eat food that has fallen on a tray – they are never cleaned and the number of people changing diapers is insane!”

While another said, ‘My stepmother is a flight attendant. Never, ever use the cushions.’

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