Five-year-old Belgian Shepherd dies of poisoning after helping police seize cocaine in Colombia

Five-year-old Belgian Shepherd ‘Kenya’ dies of poisoning after helping police seize contaminated cocaine shipments at Colombian port

  • Kenya was a five-year-old Belgian Shepherd who was assigned to the Colombian police drug office at a port in Santa Marta
  • On June 15, she led her handler to a shipment of kernel containing cocaine and toxic substances and died after returning to the police base.
  • The dog led police to more than 12 tons of cocaine during her four years of service

A Colombian sniffer dog was honored after she died from ingesting poison mixed with a cocaine shipment that was recently seized.

Kenya, a five-year-old Belgian Shepherd, was on an operation with Colombian National Police narcotics agents and led her handler Alejandro Gutiérrez to a shipment of kernel bags at a port in the Caribbean Sea city of Santa Marta. June 13th.

The dog searched the shipment and discovered the presence of drugs and then returned to the police base at the port where she fell ill and died shortly afterwards.

A second trained dog also participating in the mission was found sick after coming into contact with the poisoned drugs, but survived.

Kenya, a five-year-old Belgian Shepherd, died on June 13 after being poisoned while helping police seize a shipment of cocaine at a port in Santa Marta, Colombia. Authorities are still analyzing the substance found in the drugs to determine whether it led to her death

Kenya is pictured searching a load for the possible presence of cocaine

The Narcotics Police Department said investigators are still analyzing the substances to determine which caused Kenya’s death.

Kenya was born on June 5, 2018 at the police academy dog ​​farm in the central province of Cundinamarca.

She graduated from K-9 academy, where she trained to detect drugs, and was then assigned to the National Police Narcotics Unit at Port of Santa Marta on May 27, 2019.

Kenya helped authorities seize more than 12 tons of cocaine while on duty.

Kenya was born at the police academy dog ​​farm in the central province of Cundinamarca, Colombia, on June 5, 2018. She was trained to detect drugs and was assigned to the Narcotics Bureau at the Bureau of the National Police in a port city in the Caribbean Sea . from Santa Marta in May 2019

Kenya led the Colombian National Police to more than 12 tons of cocaine during its four years of service

On Wednesday, Colombia’s national police held a ceremony to honor Kenya, a five-year-old Belgian shepherd who died earlier this month after being poisoned while searching a shipment of kernel containing cocaine.

“With respect we said goodbye in the port of Santa Marta to ‘Kenya’, a dog who gave her life during the fight against drug trafficking during the inspection of a merchandise contaminated with cocaine and other highly toxic substances that would have caused her death,” the National Police said.

Kenya’s ceremony took place Wednesday, the same day the Colombian military announced it had halted the search for Wilson, a two-year-old Belgian shepherd who fled May 18 from the side of a special forces unit she accompanied as she searched for the four children who survived a plane crash that killed three adults, including their 34-year-old mother.

The K-9 footprints were vital in leading soldiers to the miraculous discovery in June of Lesly Jacombaire Mucutuy, 13, Soleiny Jacombaire Mucutuy, nine, Tien Noriel Ronoque Mucutuy, four, and year-old Cristin Neriman Ranoque Mucutuy after they had spent 40 days wandering through the Amazon jungle.

Authorities have been on high alert since reports surfaced last week that drug traffickers had issued death threats against Killer, a nine-year-old Labrador Retriever who helped the military seize more than 1.5 million doses of marijuana during her seven-year tenure. employ.

Since then, the sniffer dog has been protected 24 hours a day and kept in a cage under the supervision of an armed soldier.

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