Fitness trainer Vikki Hill shares her simple ‘life hack’ to help you lose a pound a week


Fitness Trainer Shares His Simple ‘Life Hack’ To Help You Lose 1 Pound A Week, And Five Other ‘Must Do’s To Burn Fat Fast

  • British fitness trainer Vikki Hill said that walking 10,000 steps is key to losing weight
  • She said that 10k steps burns 500 calories, which is 3500 calories per week.
  • Her other tips include eating at a calorie deficit and prioritizing resistance work.

Walking 10,000 steps every day is the key to losing a pound a week, says a leading fitness trainer.

British PT Vikki Hill revealed that walking 10,000 steps every day burns 500 calories, and 500 calories seven days a week means a total of 3,500 calories.

Burning 3,500 calories equals 1 pound or 0.45 kg of fat.

‘Do you want to lose fat? Just walk more and you’ll lose up to 1 pound a week,” Vikki said in a viral video. Tik Tok Video It has been viewed almost a million times.

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Walking 10,000 steps every day is the key to losing a pound a week, a leading fitness trainer has claimed (Vikki Hill pictured)

British PT Vikki Hill (pictured) revealed that walking 10,000 steps every day burns 500 calories, and 500 calories seven days a week means a total of 3,500 calories

Vikki added about her instagram page: ‘The easiest way to lose fat is through NEAT – non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

‘This means the energy spent on everything we do other than sleep, eat or exercise.

‘Normal everyday movement requires energy, so without endless intense workouts we can move and burn calories without breaking the bank.

“It’s crazy that people don’t prioritize their steps on their fat loss journey.”

The fitness trainer (pictured) also shared her other tips for reaching your weight loss goal, including having a 10 to 25 percent calorie deficit with your food, or eating less than you burn.

The fitness trainer said there are five other things that will help you reach your weight loss goals fast, and the first one depends on what you’re eating.

“Have a 10 to 25 percent calorie deficit with your meal, which means eating fewer calories than you’re burning,” Vikki said.

You should also eat between 100 and 120 grams of protein every day. Good sources of protein include lean meat, eggs, fish, yogurt, and dairy products.

Finally, Vikki said it’s a good idea to do some resistance training, which involves using your own body weight or dumbbells, three to five times a week.

‘Prioritize consistency,’ Vikki added.

Complete a consistent training routine each week to build muscle, improve posture and stability, and reduce the chance of injury.

Vikki (pictured) previously revealed what she eats in a day to reach her protein goals, including high-protein yogurt, scrambled eggs, and avocado toast.

Vikki has amassed a large following on social media for fitness tips and tricks.

Previously, she revealed what she eats in a day to meet her protein goals, including high-protein yogurt, scrambled eggs and avocado on toast, smoked salmon, edamame rice and beans, and a chicken burger with corn on the cob.

“Before a workout, I always eat carbs to fuel that workout, giving me the initial energy to perform good reps and weights,” Vikki posted.

‘After your workout, the carbohydrates will ensure that you replenish those depleted glycogen stores within the muscles.’

The PT also always has protein before a workout to make sure your muscles are primed and ‘ready for action’.

“After a workout, protein is good because it will help the growth and repair of the trained muscles,” Vikki said.

‘Try to consume protein within 30 to 60 minutes of your workout for additional support for growth.’

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