Fifty Shades of Grey author E.L. James and her husband choreographed sex scenes in their CAR

Fifty Shades of Gray author EL James, 60, reveals that she and her husband choreographed sex scenes in the back of their MINI COOPER in broad daylight so she could make them more realistic in her book

  • The writer, 60, said she roped in husband Niall Leonard to work out the logistics
  • They choreographed the scenes in the back of a Mini Cooper in broad daylight
  • She admitted that she “wanted a break” from Fifty Shades main man Christian Gray

Fifty Shades of Gray author EL James has revealed how she and her husband choreographed sex scenes in the back of their car to make them more realistic in the books.

The writer, 60, told Today that she’d roped in husband Niall Leonard to work out the logistics in a Mini Cooper in broad daylight.

She also admitted that she “wanted a break” from Fifty Shades main man Christian Gray after labeling him as “completely exhausting.”

It comes as James released a new title in her other romance series, which started with The Mister in 2019, with an entirely different protagonist at the helm.

Fifty Shades of Gray author EL James has revealed how she and her husband choreographed sex scenes in the back of their car to make them more realistic in the books

It was all for the plot of her Fifty Shades of Gray series in which billionaire businessman Christian Gray and lover Anastasia Steele had a rendezvous in an Audi R8 (pictured)

It was all for the plot of her Fifty Shades of Gray series in which billionaire businessman Christian Gray and lover Anastasia Steele had a rendezvous in an Audi R8 (pictured)

James, whose real name is Erika Mitchell, told the publication, “We were fully clothed. I said, “Okay, I’ll sit on your lap.” This was on a Saturday afternoon.

“People walked by to the [soccer] ground at the end of the road. They thought, ‘What are these two doing?’

It was all for the plot of her Fifty Shades of Gray series where billionaire businessman Christian Gray and lover Anastasia Steele had a rendezvous in an Audi R8.

It’s been 12 years since the release of the first book in the Fifty Shades series — but despite its popularity, James said she wanted “a break from Christian and Ana.”

Instead, she launched a new series in 2019, starting with the first episode titled The Mister, which focuses on the aristocrat Maxim Trevelyan as he meets Alessia Demachi.

Trevelyan “inherits his family’s title, wealth and estates, and all the responsibilities that go with them,” the blurb said.

“But his greatest challenge is fighting his longing for an unexpected, enigmatic young woman who has recently arrived in England and has little more than a dangerous and troublesome past.”

Describing the differences between the two series, she said, “I always think of Ana and Christian as Beauty and the Beast. The gentleman looks more like Cinderella.’

The mother-of-two was quick to claim that her own husband was nothing like either character, instead labeling him

The mother-of-two was quick to claim that her own husband was nothing like either character, instead labeling him “a man who will listen” and someone to “bounce ideas on”

It's been 12 years since the release of the first book in the Fifty Shades series - but despite its popularity, James said she wanted 'a break from Christian and Ana'

It’s been 12 years since the release of the first book in the Fifty Shades series – but despite its popularity, James said she wanted ‘a break from Christian and Ana’

She launched a new series in 2019, starting with the first episode titled The Mister

This month she released the follow-up The Missus

She launched a new series in 2019, starting with the first episode titled The Mister (left) and released the follow-up The Missus (right) this month.

‘I would marry Maxim. He’s a reasonable person. I think you have to have the patience of a saint to marry someone like Christian.

“I just find Christian exhausting mentally, physically draining. Downright exhausting. Maxim is much more reasonable.’

The mother-of-two was quick to claim that her own husband was nothing like either character and instead labeled him as “a man who will listen” and someone to “bounce ideas on.”

James, who believes her books offer a form of escapism through “fantasy,” has now released a sequel, The Missus.

She’s also now considering bringing her latest series to the big screen as well – given her previous film success.