Fifth grade Catholic school teacher is arrested for making KILL LIST of students and co-workers


Catholic fifth grade teacher in Indiana is arrested and fired after admitting she had a KILL LIST of co-workers and students she wanted to take out before killing herself

  • A teacher at an East Chicago school revealed to students she had a ‘death list’
  • Angelica Carraquillo-Torres, 25, was arrested after confessing to director
  • Parents are angry that the director took four hours to inform the police about the confession







A fifth grade teacher at a Catholic school in Indiana has been arrested and fired for preparing a “kill list” of students and colleagues she wanted to kill.

Angelica Carraquillo-Torres, 25, a teacher at St. Stanislaus School in Chicago, was arrested Thursday, the day after she told fifth grader Portia Jones that she had a “death list” and that she was suicidal.

Carraquillo-Torres said, “She wanted to kill her high school friends, her high school friends, and half of her family,” Portia says. told CBS 2..

Portia shared her teacher’s comments during a meeting with another student, a teacher, and her tutor. During that meeting, Portia said that Carraquillo-Torres also talked about harming students.

Portia Jones told CBS 2: ‘She said she wanted to kill her high school friends, her high school friends and half of her family’

St Stanislaus School in East Chicago is the Catholic school where Angelica Carraquillo-Torres, 25, worked as a teacher

Immediately after her comments were reported, the allegations were presented to the school principal, Angelica Foy. According to the East Chicago Police Department, in that meeting with the director, Carraquillo-Torres admitted that the “death list” existed and that at least one student was on it.

She was then told to leave the school and not return until an investigation had been conducted. Four hours later, Carraquillo-Torres was reported to police, they said in a press release.

Police went to the school around 5pm that day and during an interview with the principal and deputy principal were told about the “death list” and that the teacher was alluding to “suicide, students and staff,” a police statement said. from East Chicago.

According to the police, Carraquillo-Torres did not hand over the list himself.

Portia’s father Quiannis Jones was disappointed the principal let the teacher leave after admitting to making a ‘kill list’

A parent of a student at the school, Kirsten Saldivar, said communication from the school was poor and an email they sent to the parents made no reference to the list.

The next day, police received an emergency detention order from the Lake County Prosecutors Office, the police said in the statement. The next morning they arrested her and she was arrested around 11:15 am.

Many parents are frustrated that the school has not communicated well with them.

Portia’s father, Quiannis Jones, said, “They should never have let her walk out the door. They should have called the police right away.’

Another parent, Kirsten Saldivar, felt the teacher should never have left the principal’s office after acknowledging that some of the allegations were true.

St Stanislaus Headmistress Angelica Foy spoke to Carraquillo-Torres shortly after a student reported her. About four hours later she contacted the police

“You’re letting someone leave and confirm allegations,” she told Fox.

In an email sent to parents by the school obtained by WGN9 the school has neither mentioned the threats nor the “death list.”

In it, the school said: “We have been made aware of a worrying report from a student regarding comments made by the student’s teacher.”

Saldivar said to Fox 32 Chicago“The original email we received last night had no information about what was going on, other than that there was a problem in that particular classroom.

“We didn’t know anything about it and we went through our normal school days as if nothing had happened.”

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