Feline bloated? Giant pet cat weighing 26 pounds is placed on a diet and taken into foster care after animal rescuers intervene

A massive 26-pound black cat has been put on a strict diet after animal rights activists in Texas intervened and took the cat to a shelter.

Tanglewood, a black domestic cat, was at risk of being euthanized if he got any bigger. He has now been taken in by staff at Austin Pets Alive in Austin, which runs programs specifically designed to rescue animals in vulnerable situations.

The fat cat has now been placed with the shelter’s adoption manager, who is looking for a permanent family who can care for him long-term.

Tanglewood was adopted from the same shelter just eight months ago, but was abandoned this week at the Austin Animal Shelter, the city’s municipal shelter.

A massive 26-pound black cat has been put on a strict diet after animal rescuers in Texas intervened and took the cat to a shelter

Shelter staff noticed he had a broken leg and that he was originally one of the cats from Austin Pets Alive

Shelter staff noted that he had a broken leg and that he was originally an Austin Pets Alive cat.

He was then returned to the organization in poor condition.

“When we picked him up, he had a broken leg and after a few days he started developing neurological symptoms that led to seizures,” explains feline specialist Allie Dono.

“One of the attacks was so bad that he broke his jaw. We had to put a wire in his jaw.”

Staff suspect Tanglewood had such severe seizures that he broke his leg.

It is also possible that he was abandoned due to his medical condition and the enormous veterinary bills associated with his treatment.

Tanglewood was only adopted eight months ago, but it’s possible the high cost of vet bills caused him to be abandoned by his adoptive family

Overweight pets often face a host of additional health problems due to the increased stress placed on their bodies.

The shelter staff realized it was the same cat that had been adopted just 8 months earlier

“We are still monitoring him for seizures as we try to determine the cause, but we are focusing on his neurological signs and his broken front leg,” Luis Sanchez of Austin Pets Alive, told Fox 7.

“Once he feels better, we will encourage him to go on a diet and lose a few pounds,” he explained.

“We are grateful to our team for responding so quickly and we are looking for an adoptive home for this sweet and friendly dog,” Sanchez said.

Domestic cats normally weigh between 3.5 and 4.5 kilos, but this can vary by breed.

The ASPCA notes that obesity is a common problem in pets and can be detrimental to the health of cats and dogs.

Overweight pets often suffer from a host of additional health problems due to the increased stress their bodies experience.

Overweight cats are also at greater risk of diabetes, liver problems and joint pain.

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