Feeling ‘gymtimidated’? Fitness expert reveals how conquer your workout nerves in the New Year


Walking into the gym can be a stressful experience, especially when the festive season has passed and everyone is focused on realizing a ‘New You’.

Healthy revelations about embracing new workouts or a healthy eating plan can create a lot of pressure to get in the gym as soon as possible and make sweeping changes to our lifestyle.

The term “gym intimidation” used to be described as a term that only referred to the use of new equipment or training styles, but now the phrase is more commonly associated with any feeling of intimidation upon entering the gym.

Olivia Tyler, Regional Clinical Fitness Lead at Nuffield Health, told FEMAIL some of the most common scenarios in which ‘shyness’ can manifest itself, as well as ways to recognize it and how to overcome it.

For many, the New Year is seen as a time for resolutions with a focus on health. However, many of us suffer from “intimidation” when we exercise (stock image)

Being intimidated by… the place itself

Whether it’s a gym, studio, classroom, or facility, setting foot in a new environment can be intimidating.

Olivia explained to remember that ‘these are the places where so much positive change can happen.’

Being intimidated by… what other people think

This is one of the most common bullying, and it is also the one that can be so easily avoided.

Olivia said that all you need to remember is that everyone who goes to the gym has their own goals.

She said: “They may be the same as yours, but they could be at a different stage, following a different routine, have personal impacts or all of that, so don’t compare them or consider them within your own routine.”

A fitness or wellness center, for many, can be a place to escape to. It is dedicated time for them to focus on themselves both in mind and body so other people don’t think about you.

She explained: ‘I can’t stress this enough, but don’t worry about what other people think.

‘If you feel like someone is watching or even making comments, just think of the energy he’s wasting focusing on someone else that he could put on himself. You are doing this for you, for no one else.

Not just the physical changes, but building trust, supporting positive mental health, building and strengthening relationships, and a sense of community are all things that can be worked on.

Olivia said: ‘These things may not happen overnight, but trust me when I say they will.

‘If you’re feeling intimidated or nervous, it’s also worth going in with a plan or an idea of ​​what you want to get out of your session.

“Having structure when you’re not sure can help you move from set to set without feeling like you have to figure out what’s next.”

She advised asking if you’re unsure how to use the equipment, as many fitness and wellness centers will have support on gym floors if you have questions about routines or equipment.

Being intimidated by… your own barriers

‘I’m not strong/fast/good enough’ is a thought we’ve all experienced at one point or another, and this is a common sentiment around health and exercise.

But, as Olivia explained, there are two ways to deal with this type of bullying.

She said: ‘Firstly, it is very important to set personal goals before embarking on a new fitness, health or gym regimen.

‘Make a long-term goal, where do you want to see yourself in a year? Then break it down into month-to-month goals, and further into week-to-week goals if necessary.’

According to the regional leader in clinical fitness, this method gives you manageable goals that you can mark as you go.

“It also makes the whole process feel less daunting, since you’re in charge of what you want to do next.”

Second, you have to remember to be kind to yourself. We all know that life isn’t always perfect and barriers can get in the way, but this is not an opportunity to stop or give up.

Olivia explained, “Setting small goals means that if one isn’t reached, you can revisit or move on to the next one without it affecting your long-term plans.

How to plan a mental conditioning program for the New Year

Gosia Bowling, Emotional Wellbeing Leader at Nuffield Health, has shared her experience on starting the New Year with a focus on holistic wellbeing, with advice and guidance on setting goals for both mind and body.

healthy mental habits

  • Be kind to yourself: Kindness towards oneself is important for our mental well-being. We spend more time with ourselves than with anyone else, and the way we relate to ourselves has a huge impact on how we feel. Self-compassion plays a vital role in our mental well-being, it can act as a powerful antidote to many mental health difficulties. Research shows that being encouraging and kind to yourself is more likely to help you achieve your life goals than being harsh and critical of yourself.
  • Think about your thought: Our thinking in any situation can be useful or not and this will have a great influence on how we feel. We often treat our thoughts as facts, but just because you think something doesn’t make it true. Just because something feels scary, for example, doesn’t always mean something bad will happen. When you notice a change in your mood, ask yourself, “What was I thinking just before that?” Was the thought useful or useless? Is there a different perspective you could take that would be more helpful? Focus on your strengths and achievements instead of your flaws.
  • Stay connected: Relationships are very important to our mental health. Think of ways to make sure you stay in touch with friends and family, especially if you are feeling down or unmotivated. You should especially reach out to those who make you feel positive and energized. Consider joining community groups around shared interests. This can facilitate the development of meaningful relationships in which we have a sense of belonging and acceptance. Network, share resources and take care of each other. Knowing that you support each other can be a great comfort.
  • Take time for self-care: It can be easy to spend time caring for and supporting others. But it’s also important that you take enough time to maintain yourself. It doesn’t have to be for hours, finding moments throughout the day can also work. ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup.’ Self-care can help improve your energy levels, restore your health, reduce stress, and give you a greater ability to withstand the pressures of life.
  • Recognize the link between mental and physical fitness: There is a strong interconnected link between physical and mental fitness. Getting the basics in place, like staying active, getting plenty of sleep, and eating healthy, can make a world of difference in your mental health. Being active can improve your physical well-being, but it can also help you maintain a healthy mind. People who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional well-being, and lower rates of mental health problems. Exercise can help ease feelings of stress by releasing anxiety-reducing chemicals and giving you a mood-elevating surge of dopamine.

“It’s much easier to be negative than positive, but recognizing when you’re doing this and changing your thought process means you can focus on the good.”

“For example, if you’re just starting out and feel like your session didn’t go as planned, don’t view it as ‘wasted effort,’ praise yourself for showing up and moving your body.”

Being intimidated by… the fear of the unknown

With so many different workout styles, guides, and formats available to those looking to mix it up or try a new workout, it’s not at all surprising that the number on offer can be intimidating.

So as not to feel overwhelmed or intimidated, Olivia advised reviewing the reasons why you’re looking for something new.

“As before, focus on the goals you’ve set for yourself and now think about how you’re going to get there,” he explained.

‘If you’re unsure about a new training format, do some research or speak to a PT or trainer for additional information on whether or not it may be right for you.

“You can always try something and if it’s not for you, try something else.”

Remember, though, that while exercise can be hard at times, there’s a difference between being hard and enjoying it, and being hard and hating it.

You will be much less motivated and will look for ways to stop. Finding something that works for you can be the deciding factor when it comes to sticking with it.

Feeling confident about what you want to do, how you’re going to do it, and ideally when you want to do it will always help you get back on track.

Being intimidated by… trying something new

It’s not just about what’s on offer, this can also lead to feelings of inadequacy when comparing yourself to those who have been following a guide or style you’re interested in trying for a significant amount of time, automatically making them appear ‘better than’. your.

This ties into the idea of ​​being kind to yourself, but you also have to remember the cliché that everyone has to start somewhere; This has never been more true than in a health and fitness environment.

Olivia said, “If you expect to be the fastest, lift the heaviest, jump the highest, or generally be the best, you’re automatically putting pressure on yourself, which, frankly, is often very unattainable.”

‘In these situations, it is necessary to remember the end result; you appeared and moved your body.

‘Each time you do this, and if you do it consistently, you will make progress toward reaching your goals.

‘Trying something new is always difficult. If it’s a class or workout you can always bring a friend to attend to boost your confidence, or feel free to message the trainer/physio or gym to say you’re new as this may mean adjustments in the exercises to attend to those who are not so advanced.


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