Feeling on edge? There’s worse things heading your way as Mercury goes into retrograde amid eclipse ‘chaos’

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

This lunar eclipse in Libra can go two ways for you: there are intense feelings of love, warmth and affection, or the possibility of an argument arises.

You are now being called to examine any unconscious energies you may have around relationships. Be careful what comes out of your mouth to your partner, if you have one.

If you’re single, you may be weighing the benefits of being single, such as the freedom to do your own thing, versus the security and love of important relationships.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

It may be that your day job or your health and wellness are calling to you right now. There are things you need to pay attention to, so don’t fuss.

This lunar eclipse in Libra could result in opportunities for warmth and affection in your daily life, which could flow more smoothly with grace and elegance.

If relationships are stressful, you may experience some relief in the coming weeks, which will help reduce stress levels. It’s a good time to reach out to long lost friends and acquaintances to show you care.

Harmony and compromise are what it’s all about, but don’t go overboard – stay grounded.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

It’s time for some fun. Get out with friends and socialize a bit now. Your creativity may also be on fire, and you appreciate beauty more than usual.

Colors, harmonious patterns and the world of the child come closer.

It may be that you have more to do with children, or that you yourself become more childlike.

This is a good thing if you open yourself up to new experiences and pleasures.

But go easy on the chocolate! Romance may also be on your mind if you are looking for more sweetness in life.

Your curiosity is awakened, along with your tendency towards self-expression and playfulness.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

You probably have a strong bond with your family, especially now.

So it’s a good time to stay close to home and take care of personal matters. Your close relationships also become more important than usual.

Time alone to think about things can also help and you can become aware of familial energetic patterns that no longer fit who you are becoming.

Neptune opposite brings flashes of intuition about how to expand your life even when you feel limited by responsibilities.

You need more from life, so find the balance between home, family and adventurous growth.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

This Libra Luna eclipse can bring out seemingly contradictory desires: wanting more local community than travel and personal growth.

However, it seems that limiting challenges continue to pull you back to Earth.

Some of this may involve emotional communication that doesn’t always match the facts. Then bingo, you are confronted with reality again.

Making decisions based on feelings rather than logic can also play a role in balancing logic at the right time.

You may now be in contact with distant relatives, marketing and promotion may also be on your agenda. Study would also benefit from it.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

It’s time to ask yourself if you spent too much? This lunar eclipse in Libra can affect buying nice things and if you can afford it, then everything is fine.

Either way, there is a financial upheaval or shake-down. It’s your money, so take control!

Your possessions or even your beliefs about what you value can also play a role here. Maybe also take a look at your values ​​about yourself? It’s a good time to make compromises when it comes to money. However, don’t go too far when handing out the money.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

This lunar eclipse in your zodiac sign blesses you with an abundance of compromises that can help in difficult situations.

Of course, be careful not to compromise too much for the sake of finding harmony and peace. The world sees your sensitivity, grace and beautiful spirit now more than usual.

You can also pay special attention to sprucing up your appearance… buy nice new clothes, new makeup, hair, etc. The point is to convey your message in a calm and elegant way.

Find the balance between amplifying your message and listening to others.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Still waters run deep and you don’t know it. You may need some time outside the world to look inward now.

You may lose interest in the daily demands and want to run away somewhere alone. Go into nature, walk, swim or cycle.

Pay attention to your dreams and the little thoughts that flash through your ‘mind sky’ during the day… for these are little messages from the mind to you.

Your intuition can also increase, so trust it. Perhaps you are thinking about charity or perhaps you are involved with hospitals, prisons or other institutions.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Savvy Sag, this eclipse calls you to socialize with friends, groups and beautiful people.

Maybe you’re feeling particularly magnanimous and why not: you’re ruled by Jupiter.

While compromising with grace and forgiveness can sometimes be helpful, don’t overdo it.

Sometimes it is necessary to let go of past connections so that you can make room for new people to enter your life.

Your hopes and dreams are also coming into focus now, so focus on those. You might be surprised at how much you can achieve.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

There may be some kind of shake-up in your career or family due to this lunar eclipse in Libra.

While career is important, so is your family and personal life. Now find the balance between the two… that’s only fair.

You are not just a machine that works or focuses on social media. Be careful how much you share online as your life becomes somehow ‘more public’.

You now also work well with the public. Authorities such as employers or parents can now notice you if these relationships come into focus.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

This light-hearted Libra eclipse increases your energy for long, thoughtful communication.

Ah intelligent people fuel you! It’s a great time to think about travel and other ways you can grow your life. However, there may be a little shake-up first… you may need this to get you out of the rut!

Think about ways you can expand your life, maybe spirituality or education is the ticket! Philosophical thinking and the need to connect with your ‘higher mind’ may also be in your cards.

‘Blue sky thinking’ where the sky is the limit is now offered, will you seize the opportunities your mind offers?

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

You may hear of deep and intense secrets…are they yours? Maybe your joint financial situation needs some care… investments, real estate, taxes, inheritances or loans?

This lunar eclipse in Libra could shake things up or even cause you to spend too much money.

Professional financial advice may be needed before making important decisions.

It is also a time when intimacy, vulnerability or the close personal energy you share with another person comes to the fore. Do you get everything you need in terms of intimate moments with someone else?

Or perhaps there is no intimacy? So, is it time to do something? Sometimes it’s hard to trust again, especially when emotional pain blocks your path.

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