Federal prosecutor Lesley Wolf who led criminal probe into Hunter Biden is silenced by DOJ from sharing information with congressional investigators

The former lead prosecutor in Hunter Biden's criminal investigation has been muzzled by the Justice Department to prevent him from sharing key information with congressional investigators, documents show.

The revelation comes from the transcript of former Delaware federal prosecutor Lesley Wolf's interview with Representative Jim Jordan's House Judiciary Committee, which took place on December 14, reviewed by DailyMail.com.

IRS whistleblowers pointed the finger at Wolf for allegedly closing leads in the criminal investigation involving President Joe Biden, claiming she obstructed the investigation.

But when Wolf was asked about the allegations by Judiciary Committee staff, she said she was “not authorized” to comment and “unable to respond.”

Wolf declined to even confirm whether she was the lead assistant U.S. attorney on the Hunter Biden case — a role that others involved in the investigation have stated.

Lesley Wolf, the former lead prosecutor in Hunter Biden's criminal investigation, has been muzzled by the Justice Department for failing to share key information with congressional investigators, documents show

Wolf declined to even confirm whether she was the lead assistant U.S. attorney on the Hunter Biden case — a role others involved in the investigation have said she played

In the 159-page transcript, Wolf provided general answers to staffers' questions but repeatedly declined to answer anything specific about Hunter's case.

Although she was a central figure in the Biden investigation for years, Wolf mysteriously did not appear in the prosecution documents filed against Hunter in the Delaware and California courts, and has now reportedly left her job at the Justice Department after Terminated after 16 years of service.

IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, who conducted the tax investigation into Hunter, testified to Congress that Wolf had closed leads that could involve Joe Biden.

Emails show Wolf ordered all references to “Political Figure 1” removed from a search warrant prepared by investigators. She admitted in her congressional interview that “Political Figure 1” was Joe Biden.

Wolf also denied officers' request to search Joe's Wilmington guest house, where Hunter had lived in 2018.

Shapley said Wolf agreed that “a lot of evidence in our investigation would be found at former Vice President Biden's guest house, but said there's no way we're going to get that cleared.”

Wolf allegedly told officers she “didn't want to ask about the big man” or “father,” pseudonyms for Joe Biden, as they interviewed witnesses close to him, including his brother Jim and Hunter's business partner and Biden family friend Rob Walker .

The IRS agents claimed she tipped off Hunter's legal team prior to their search of his storage unit.

In the 159-page transcript, Wolf provided general answers to staffers' questions but repeatedly declined to answer anything specific about Hunter's case.

Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee

IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler (pictured) and Gary Shapley, who conducted the tax investigation into Hunter, testified to Congress that Wolf had closed leads that could involve Joe Biden

According to Shapley's contemporaneous notes, Wolf said at a prosecution meeting that she was “not personally interested” in investigating possible campaign finance violations involving Joe.

Republicans in Congress concluded from their investigation that IRS agents “were prevented from investigating financial transactions between Joe Biden and his son that would normally have been included in a similar investigation.”

In July, DailyMail.com exclusively revealed that Wolf was colleagues and friends with former Delaware Attorney General Alexander Mackler, a close friend of the Biden family who had previously worked as campaign manager for Joe's late son Beau Biden for his attorney general bid of Delaware in 2010.

Mackler worked in the Delaware attorney general's office from August 2016 to May 2019 — when the office's investigation into Hunter's shady foreign dealings was already underway.

When asked by congressional staff whether Mackler played a role in the Hunter investigation, Wolf turned to her lawyers and said, “Can I answer?” then replied, “I am not qualified to answer that question.”

In July, DailyMail.com exclusively revealed that Wolf was colleagues and friends with former Delaware Attorney General Alexander Mackler, a close friend of the Biden family who had previously worked as campaign manager for Joe's late son Beau Biden for his attorney general bid of Delaware in 2010.

While serving as a federal prosecutor in Delaware, Mackler constantly checked in on Hunter with warm, loving emails — while Hunter pursued a series of self-confessed crack cocaine and prostitute binges

In another telling email, Mackler wrote to a select group of 27 friends and family members and invited them to an informal wake for a family member. The email was forwarded to Hunter

She added that Mackler was still on the payroll in early 2019, but not in the Delaware office.

Wolf denied having any professional contact with Mackler after he joined Biden's transition team in 2020, but did not rule out “maybe at a farewell party for another colleague or something else.”

She told the House Judiciary staff that “in light of the ongoing nature of the investigation” at this time, she was “legally required to remain largely silent about these allegations other than stating the truth, which is to say that she served as an AUSA at all times, I have consistently acted in accordance with the Justice Manual, DOJ policies, and my statutory legal and ethical obligations.”

She added that she “followed the facts where they led and made decisions in the best interests of the investigation.”

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