Federal investigators floated sex trafficking charges against Hunter Biden according to a document released by Republican members on the House Ways and Means Committee

Federal investigators have filed sex trafficking charges against Hunter Biden, according to a document released by Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee

A prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden’s tax affairs flagged multiple potential violations of the Mann Act — which bans trafficking for sex across state lines.

Jack Morgan, a prosecutor in the Justice Department’s tax division, emailed Assistant U.S. Attorney for Delaware Lesley Wolf to express his concerns. Wolf spent five years investigating Hunter Biden’s tax affairs.

Morgan’s email was obtained by a whistleblower within the IRS, Joseph Ziegler, who has testified in Congress that the administration worked to delay the investigation into Joe Biden’s 52-year-old son.

Ziegler provided the emails between Morgan and Wolf to the House Ways and Means Committee, one of several investigations into Hunter Biden’s business dealings, and the committee released the emails on Wednesday.

Hunter Biden visits his lawyer this week in Pacific Palisades, California

A prosecutor within the Justice Department’s tax division asked in emails about possible violations of the Mann Act — which bans prostitution across state lines.

Morgan referred to Hunter Biden by the initials SM in his emails.

“Lesley: Attached are some, but not all, relevant documents regarding SM and invitation,” he wrote.

‘I summarize the contents below. The documents highlighted are those that are most probative for purposes of the Mann Act.”

Morgan’s email, The New York Post reported, pointed to two cases in which “likely” escorts traveled from Los Angeles and New York to meet Hunter in Boston.

A third case, involving a woman who “identifies herself as a ‘whore,'” showed that she too may have crossed state lines and traveled from New Jersey to New York to see him.

Morgan also pointed to messages Hunter Biden sent to sex traffickers, who were referred to in Morgan’s email to Wolf as “Trafficker #1” and “Trafficker #2.”

Joseph Ziegler, an IRS whistleblower, has claimed he saw the IRS delay an investigation into Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden has been open about his wild years of drugs and prostitution while in the grip of crack addiction

Morgan said he suspected more women were crossing state lines, but could not confirm this.

“The text shows that she traveled to Delaware and SM paid her money,” Morgan wrote.

‘However, in other texts she says: ‘I am not a whore or an escort.’

Ziegler stated in his testimony before Congress on June 1: “There were some people who flew across state lines, who paid for their travel and paid for their hotels. They were what we call violations of the Mann Act.”

Ziegler told Congress he did not know whether Wolf decided to investigate Morgan’s credentials further.

“I know they were putting them together,” he said.

‘I don’t know what they did with it. I know some effort was made to put them together at some point, but I don’t know what ultimately happened to them.’

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