FBI sounds the alarm ‘phantom hacker’ campaigns sweeping the US… Here is how YOU can protect yourself

The FBI is sounding the alarm about a growing threat: money theft that fleeced unsuspecting victims of an eye-watering $542 million in the first half of 2023.

These scams often start with a seemingly legitimate notice that appears to be from your bank or even a government entity, alerting you to a computer breach.

But as most savvy tech users can guess, these are complete fabrications.

Here’s the New Low: ‘Trust Me, I’m Here to Help’

Scammers launch cunning ‘phantom hacker’ campaigns, often targeting older adults. Their ultimate goal? Manipulate their victims to drain their own bank accounts.

This sinister method is an evolved version of the long-standing tech support scam, where victims are startled by sudden pop-up messages warning that their computers have been compromised.

But here’s where they upped the ante. Scammers have diversified their masquerade repertoire. Gone are the days of exclusively fake tech support personalities.

Now, they impersonate bank managers or government officials to lull you into a false sense of security before they strike.

FBI sounds the alarm phantom hacker campaigns sweeping the US Here

Scammers launch cunning ‘phantom hacker’ campaigns, often targeting older adults. Their ultimate goal? Manipulate their victims to drain their own bank accounts

A peek into their playbook

Imagine this scenario: Your phone rings, and on the other end is someone claiming to be a helpful representative of your bank.

They spin a disturbing tale of a hacker from a faraway foreign country lurking ominously in your account. Panic sets in.

They then suggest you move your funds to a ‘safe’ government account for protection. Remember, this is for your own good.

Don’t fall for it. Once you do this, your account and money are under the scammer’s control.

The FBI’s alarming statistics shed light on the scale of these scams: 19,000 complaints linked to technical support scams in just six months, resulting in losses of $542 million.

A heartbreaking detail? Almost half of those defrauded were individuals aged 60 and over. You have to be on your toes!

Protect Yourself: The Game Plan

Stay skeptical: When faced with unsolicited emails, texts or pop-ups warning you about a data breach, banking issue or account problems, pause and assess. Chances are it’s a scam.

Confirm the source: Before taking any action, confirm the alert with your bank or the alleged agency. Always rely on official phone numbers or websites.

This sinister method is an evolved version of the long-standing tech support scam, where victims are startled by sudden pop-up messages warning that their computers have been compromised - and the scammers then demand payment to unlock the person's computer

This sinister method is an evolved version of the long-standing tech support scam, where victims are startled by sudden pop-up messages warning that their computers have been compromised – and the scammers then demand payment to unlock the person’s computer

Stop those transfers: No US government agency will instruct you to send money overseas or buy gift cards.

Regularly review bank statements: Regularly reviewing your financial statements can help you detect any unauthorized activity early.

Use two-factor authentication (2FA): Improve the security of your accounts by enabling 2FA where possible.

Educate and warn others: Share information about these scams with friends and family, especially those who may be more vulnerable.

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Avoid remote access: Never allow unknown individuals to take control of your computer.

Password protection: Update and diversify your passwords regularly using a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.

Install a reliable antivirus: Keep your devices protected with up-to-date security software.

A final protective measure

Alert the FBI if you are targeted or fall prey to such a scam. Reporting the incident can be invaluable.

In my conversation with the FBI’s top brass, I was assured that every report is carefully investigated.

By sharing your experience, you provide the authorities with the information needed to catch these crooks.

Beware of the Heartbreak Hustle – The Romance Scam

While tech support and banking scams are rampant, another type of scam is stealing more than just money: the ‘Romance Scam.’

In a digital age where many are looking for love online, scammers have found a way to exploit the heartstrings of the unsuspecting.

How it plays out:

Sudden love: Scammers set up fake profiles on dating sites or apps and lure victims with charming profiles and attractive photos.

Build trust: They will invest weeks, even months, building trust, often sharing made-up personal stories and pretending to fall in love.

The Sob Story: Once trust is established, they will share a heartbreaking story, such as a sudden medical emergency, and request financial help.

Protect your heart and wallet

Profile Checker: Reverse search profile pictures on the internet. Scammers often reuse images from other sites.

Avoid oversharing: Be careful about sharing personal or financial details with anyone you just met online.

Never send money: No matter how convincing their story is, never send money or gifts to someone you haven’t met in person.

True love should cost nothing. If someone you met online starts asking for money, it’s time to question their intentions.