FBI says Apple’s new encryption launch is “deeply concerning”


Apple recently introduced a number of new privacy-focused features to better protect user data stored in iCloud, but while privacy advocates and human rights groups have welcomed the move, law enforcement agencies have expressed concerns.

Apparently they are not against improved privacy, but fear that criminals from all walks of life would abuse the privilege.

In a statement sent by email to the Washington Timesthe FBI said Apple’s end-to-end encryption (opens in new tab) “Impairs our ability to protect the American people from criminal activity ranging from cyber-attacks and violence against children to drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism.”

Security considerations

“In this era of cybersecurity and ‘security by design’ requirements, the FBI and law enforcement partners need ‘lawful access by design’.”

At the same time, former FBI official Sasha O’Connell spoke to the New York Times, saying there are caveats to keep in mind. “It’s great to see companies prioritizing security, but we have to keep in mind that there are trade-offs, and one that’s often not considered is the impact it has on reducing law enforcement access to digital evidence. .”

Apple recently introduced a number of new security-focused features, including iMessage Contact Key Verification, Advanced Data Protection for iCloud, and Security Keys for Apple ID, and it’s the Advanced Data Protection for iCloud that really hit the FBI. The new feature means that the data stored in iCloud has end-to-end encryption, meaning only trusted devices can decrypt and read the data.

In other words, neither Apple nor anyone else will access Apple’s servers and view any data users have stored in iCloud.

It’s not the first time the FBI has run afoul of Apple. About six years ago, the FBI seized an iPhone belonging to Syed Farook, one of two perpetrators of a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. On December 2, 2015, the two killed 14 people and injured another 22.

The iPhone was locked, leading to a major battle between the FBI and Apple, who claimed it had no means or desire to unlock the endpoint. The dispute even made it to the US Congress, with nearly all of the country’s tech companies siding with Apple. The whole thing fizzled out when the FBI finally managed to unlock the device, with the help of a third party. The media later reported that the third party in question is an Israeli mobile forensics company, Cellebrite.

Through: MacRumors (opens in new tab)

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