Father’s heartbreak after discovering ‘funny and generous’ daughter, 11, dead in her bedroom

Dad’s heartbreak after discovering ‘funny and generous’ daughter, 11, dead in her bedroom when he went to wake her up for school

  • The girl’s death still remains uncertain, with coroners ruling out suicide

A father has described his devastation after finding his daughter, 11, dead when he went to wake her up for school.

Roxy-Mae Barber, who described her father Michael as “funny and generous,” was found dead in her bedroom on May 4, 2022.

He has since the death of his daughter unable to return to his home.

In tribute, he said, “I’m devastated and haven’t been able to go back to the house I found Roxy in since she died and I’m staying with my brother.

‘I have now sold it and am going to live with my partner.

The death of Roxy-Mae Barber (pictured) remains unexplained after she was discovered on 4 May 2022 at an address in Whitby Drive, Grimsby

“However, we will move all of Roxy’s things to the new house so she can still have her own room there.

“She was beautiful, kind, funny and generous.

The circumstances surrounding the death remain uncertain, with an inquest last week finding no evidence of suicide or intent.

Roxy-Mae had spoken to her father the night before, which he said was normal conversation.

At around 10:30 p.m., Michael heard a loud bang in his daughter’s bedroom, but thought nothing of it.

It wasn’t until seven in the morning, after Michael knocked on Roxy-Mae’s bedroom door to wake her up before school, that he discovered she had died.

According to a report by the suncoroner Paul Smith concluded that while the act leading to her death was intentional, Roxy-Mae did not intend the outcome.

He said: ‘It was a dangerous act to do this and I am reminded that we are dealing with the tragedy of an 11-year-old girl.

“There are too many unknowns to judge what the circumstances were or what was going on in her mind at the time.

“There is no evidence of suicide or intent.

This absence means that the most appropriate is a narrative conclusion.

‘Thank you all for being here. It goes without saying that you all have my sincere sympathy.

“This was not only very difficult for me, but also for the members present. I’m sure the memories of her will live on for years to come.’

Roxy-Mae’s mother said at the hearing that she did not believe her daughter’s death was an act of suicide, but instead a “tragic accident.”

The family garden (pictured) was transformed into a colorful and poignant tribute after the girl's death

The family garden (pictured) was transformed into a colorful and poignant tribute after the girl’s death

Her father added, “She was a joy to be around and loved music. She also loved her two pet gerbils, Toffee and Caramel.

“The memories and love we felt for her will live on in our hearts forever, even though she was only with us for a short time.”

The family’s neighbors gathered shortly afterwards to honor her death, transforming the family garden into a colorful and poignant tribute.

Mourners were urged to wear colorful clothing in her memory, while donations were made to the RSPCA to reflect her love of animals.

According to the obituary, Roxy-Mae left behind parents Mike and Tracy, stepmother Nikki, siblings Charlie, Ben and Mason and was a “cherished granddaughter, niece and nephew who will be sadly missed.”