Father of Hamas hostage Almog Meir Jan, 21, ‘died of grief’ just hours before his son was rescued by Israeli Defence Forces

The father of hostage Almog Meir Jan ‘died of grief’ hours before his son was rescued.

As Almog, 21, was taken away after the mission on Saturday, the Israeli army tried to call his father, Yossi, 59, to deliver the good news.

When he didn’t answer, they called his sister, Dina Jan, who rushed to his home in Kfar Saba, central Israel.

“I knocked: ‘Yossi, Yossi, Yossi’, and nothing,” she told Israel’s KAN News.

As Almog (center), 21, was taken away after the mission on Saturday, the Israeli army tried to call his father, Yossi, 59, to deliver the good news

‘I didn’t get an answer. The door of his house was open and I saw him sleeping in the living room… I touched him, but he was dead.’

His body was taken to a nearby hospital. Shortly afterwards, Almog landed in the same hospital after his rescue.

“My brother died of grief and never saw his son come back,” Dina said.

It is believed he died of a heart attack on Friday.

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