FAO highlights the potential of an AI revolution in transforming the agri-food system

Artificial intelligence and the ongoing digital revolution will inevitably transform the world and its agri-food systems, making it all the more urgent that the transformations they drive benefit everyone and contribute to solving global problems, according to the Director General of the Food and Drug Administration and Agriculture Organization (FAO), QU Dongyu, said on Friday at the meeting of the Business Federations of the G7 (B7) in Rome.

Artificial intelligence is not just a technological shift, but is driving fundamental economic and social transformation at the broadest level, Qu said. He noted that FAO recognizes its power to deliver potential benefits to a wide range of populations and to contribute to improved efficiency and sustainability.

Noting that “digital agriculture can revolutionize the way we produce, distribute and consume food,” he said, highlighting that potential benefits for farmers and stakeholders in the agri-food systems include improved price data, minimizing of food loss and waste, improving food safety and encouraging the adoption of new technologies. better seeds, fertilizer and sustainable practices.

The event took place at the Rome headquarters of Italy’s leading business association, Confindustria. The B7 includes the major business and industrial federations of the G7 members and the European Union. Once a year, the B7 presents its recommendations on selected priority topics to the G7 presidency, which this year is held by Italy. The event was also attended by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani and a wide range of CEOs of international private companies.

The FAO Director-General spoke at a session aimed at charting new directions for cross-border global cooperation, together with Mathias Cormann, Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

To increase the positive impact of such enabling innovations, FAO works closely with all partners, including governments, academia, the private sector, civil society and international organizations, and advocates a robust approach with targeted, coherent and comprehensive strategies and actions implemented in synergy. and in accordance with ethical principles.

Another absolutely crucial area for cooperation and harmonization of approaches is the energy sector. Decarbonisation by 2050 is “simply not possible” without tackling energy use in agriculture and food systems, the director-general said.

Qu also urged private sector actors to increase their ambition for climate action and show more responsibility to their supply chains and the communities in the countries where they source, buy and sell their products.

First print: May 18, 2024 | 11:43 PM IST

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