Fans are split after football player makes violent tackle by pulling the HAIR of his opponent so do YOU think it should be legal?

  • Frankfurt LB Wael Nasri made a successful tackle by hitting his opponent’s hair
  • Some said it was legal since hair is part of the uniform, others were outraged.
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A tackle in the European Football League as left-wing football fans divide on social media over its legal and ethical legitimacy.

During a semi-final between Frankfurt Galaxy and Reim Fire across the Atlantic, a player made a particularly violent gesture to bring down his opponent.

During the third quarter of the clash, with 12:26 left, Frankfurt linebacker Wael Nasri made a tackle by pushing back the hair of his opponent who was charging towards the 20-yard line.

The tackle sparked a fight, with Reims players objecting to the controversial decision, before officials intervened.

But the tackle not only caused disagreements on the field, but also on social media where soccer fans in the United States debated the legality of the maneuver.

European Football League tackle as left-wing football fans divided on social media

Some social media users insisted the tackle was legal since hair is part of the uniform.

Others criticized the move, insisting that while it was legal, it was morally right.

Many were quick to point out that technically the tackle was legal, as hair outside the helmet is considered part of a player’s uniform and therefore acceptable.

“Yeah, hair is part of the uniform,” one social media responder responded to a clip of the tackle.

Another echoed their argument, adding: “It’s legal. Hair is considered part of the uniform.

One football coach even weighed in, admitting it was legal, but advised players to tuck their hair in to avoid it being used to tackle them.

“This is completely legal, as a coach I wanted my son and my players to have their hair braided and tucked into the helmet and jersey,” he posted. “Anything you can grab, except the face mask, is legal.”

“Unfortunately, yes, it has always been legal,” admitted another, albeit reluctantly.

Many were quick to point out that technically the tackle was legal because the hair could be grabbed.

However, others, while admitting that it was technically legal, insisted that it was not morally correct for a player to do so.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s correct,” one person wrote in response to the original post questioning the validity of this decision.

“Ethically, no. But if there is no rule against it, yes,” another conceded.

Some social media users took a tougher stance as they were outraged by the tackle, calling for it to be banned.

Some social media users took a tougher stance as they were outraged by the tackle.

“If it’s legal (sic) make it ILLEGAL IMMEDIATELY, I’m so sick of people pulling hair, especially braids/locs,” fumed one football fan.

“It’s legal but it’s definitely some stupid shit you shouldn’t do,” insisted another, while others quickly ended the argument with messages of “Straight dirty” and “Damn No!”

Another seemed to suggest that the tackle and the controversy it sparked would lead to the NFL banning long hair.

They shared, “and just like that, long hair is banned in the NFL. »

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