Family of murdered mom Rachel Morin enlists help of criminal profiler to detail four traits of suspected serial killer as police continue to hunt for the killer ‘who could be anywhere’

The family of murdered mother-of-five Rachel Morin has enlisted a criminal profiler to help track down the killer, who has four traits common to serial killers.

Morin, 37, was found murdered along a trail in Maryland a month ago. That sparked a massive manhunt for the suspect, who is now involved in a violent cross-country home burglary in Los Angeles.

Police were unable to determine the killer’s whereabouts when her family turned to criminal profiler Pat Brown to help provide a description of the depraved killer.

“The attack on Rachel Morin that happened while she was running on the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail was likely perpetrated by an opportunistic predator who spotted her that night,” Brown said. “This means it’s likely that the predator has a specific reason to be near the trail: it runs on it, it travels on it, it works close to it, or it lives close to it.”

The profiler described the male suspect as a suspected serial killer who is a “dangerous psychopath.”

Rachel Morin’s family has enlisted the help of a criminal profiler to track down her killer

Criminal profiler Pat Brown described the killer in a flyer distributed by Morin's friends and family the month after her death.

Criminal profiler Pat Brown described the killer in a flyer distributed by Morin’s friends and family the month after her death.

Brown described the traits of a psychopath as: “Narcissistic (cares only about himself), lacks empathy (doesn’t care about others), manipulative (takes advantage of others), and a pathological liar (compulsively lies about everything).”

The details were printed on flyers distributed by the Morin family to mark the month-long anniversary of her grizzly kill.

The unknown suspect in the case is described as a Hispanic man, between 20 and 30 years old. He is about six feet tall, weighs about 160 pounds, and is muscular.

Police have admitted the suspect could be anywhere after his DNA was linked to a Los Angeles home burglary and investigators visited Chicago for unknown reasons.

“We think this was a person Rachel didn’t know, possibly a random act of violence,” Colonel William Davis said at a news conference.

“We don’t know anything more about him than he was in LA in March and we think he’s the killer.”

Brown has thirty years of criminal profiling experience and said, “A bullet profile should go to the public.”

“Bel Air is 40 miles north of Baltimore — you don’t just hop on a bus there for no reason at all,” Brown claimed. “He must know someone he came to stay with in Bel Air.”

She has listed the characteristics of the suspect, so that someone who recognizes the description will come forward with more information about the killer.

“This man is a suspected serial killer and poses an imminent danger to the community. He’s a violent criminal,” Brown said.

“After committing a crime in Los Angeles, he came to Bel Air, Maryland. This choice of location in a small, lesser-known town is odd, which means he MUST know someone in Bel Air that he has been able to stay with.”

Morin's body was found Aug. 6 on the trail in Bel Air, Maryland, where she had been running the day before

Morin’s body was found Aug. 6 on the trail in Bel Air, Maryland, where she had been running the day before

DNA from Rachel's crime scene was linked to a Los Angeles home burglary and assault, leading investigators to believe the suspect was a serial killer.

DNA from Rachel’s crime scene was linked to a Los Angeles home burglary and assault, leading investigators to believe the suspect was a serial killer.

1694044609 517 Family of murdered mom Rachel Morin enlists help of criminal

“The suspect would not have to answer for any time between 6 p.m. and sunset on Saturday, August 5, when the attack occurred.”

“It’s so important to the community to identify this man because he will commit the crime again,” the profiler added.

Morin, 37, went for a walk on Aug. 5 and left her car at the Williams Street Trailhead in downtown Bel Air, Maryland, about 20 miles northeast of Baltimore, when she was killed.

Her body was discovered the day after she disappeared naked and beaten into a tunnel along the scenic Ma & Pa Heritage Trail.

Morin’s boyfriend shared his relief after police identified a suspect in her murder. Richard Tobin, 27, was the one who reported Morin missing after she went for a walk and didn’t return home. He also found her car at the trailhead.

Tobin had given investigators a DNA sample and handed over his cell phone, saying, “I hope they found this scum of the earth, justice for Rachel.” Rip, I love you, Rach.”

She had only recently publicly disclosed her relationship with Tobin on Facebook and it was unclear how long they had been together.

The sheriff said Morin's friend Richard Tobin, 27, is innocent despite being arrested 14 times since 2014.

The sheriff said Morin’s friend Richard Tobin, 27, is innocent despite being arrested 14 times since 2014.

Rachel Morin

Rachel Morin

Rachel Morin made her relationship with new boyfriend Richard Tobin public on social media just a few weeks before her murder

Morin's dead body was found by a father on the hiking trail in Maryland, where she was reported missing

Morin’s dead body was found by a father on the hiking trail in Maryland, where she was reported missing

Gahler has made it clear in the weeks since her death that they do not believe Tobin is a suspect in the murder of the mother of five.

“At this point there is no indication that he was involved. But until we know who this man is and whether he acted alone, the whole world is a suspect,” Gahler said.

Tobin has maintained his innocence in the case since her disappearance.

In a Facebook post, he wrote, “I love Rachel. I would never hurt her, let the family and I grieve. Yes, I have a past, but I’ve also been clean for fifteen months and have changed as a person.’

Tobin has been arrested 14 times since 2014 on various charges, including drug trafficking, assault, disorderly conduct and refusal of arrest.

Weeks after Morin’s murder, it was revealed that the killer’s DNA was also found at the Los Angeles scene.

Harford (Maryland) County Sheriff Jeff Gahler said he and some of his Harford County deputies visited Los Angeles last week to investigate, but it’s too early to say exactly what they’re dealing with.

“We don’t know who he is yet,” the sheriff added. “He may still have his head here in our county, or he may have fled to anywhere in the country or even the world.”

The sheriff’s office that led the investigation confirmed that they are now following leads in Chicago, but they did not explain why or what those leads are.