Eye drops made from ‘jelly’ that could halt sight loss

Drops made from an umbilical cord jelly could be a new treatment for sore eyes. The jelly contains cells that are believed to repair potentially serious damage from infections or injury to the surface of the eye.

A clinical trial is underway in six hospitals across France, investigating whether the drops can cure chronic keratitis, or inflammation of the cornea – the clear, dome-shaped tissue at the front of the eye that covers the iris.

The condition can be caused by an infection in the eye or simply by wearing contact lenses for too long (allowing bacteria to multiply and cause an infection).

Although relatively small numbers are affected (about 1,500 patients a year in Britain) it is serious, as it can lead to damage to the surface of the cornea, causing ulcers and the risk of permanent vision loss within days increases.

(Stock Photo) Drops made from an umbilical cord jelly could be a new treatment for sore eyes, study finds

(Stock photo) The jelly contains cells believed to repair potentially serious damage from infection or injury to the surface of the eye

Spend or save

How you can save costs on healthcare products. This week: Stomach acid fluid

GIVE OUT: Gaviscon Liquid for Heartburn and Indigestion, £12.09 for 600ml, superdrug.com

TO RESCUE: Sainsbury’s Heartburn and Digestive Fluid, £6 for 500ml, sainsburys.co.uk

Ben Merriman, a clinical pharmacist in Cumbria, says: ‘Heartburn, or acid reflux, is often felt as a burning sensation in the chest and throat.

“It’s caused by acid moving from the stomach through the esophagus to the back of the throat.

‘Both drugs neutralize the acid in the stomach with the help of the active ingredients sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate.

“They also contain sodium alginate, a chemical that forms a ‘raft’ at the top of the stomach, preventing acid from rising up the esophagus.

“I would consider the two products interchangeable.”

Treatment usually consists of antibiotic drops to kill any bacteria, giving the cornea a chance to heal itself, plus pain relievers to ease the discomfort.

As the infection develops and the inflammation worsens, it can temporarily damage vision, although this usually returns to normal within a few weeks if the cornea responds to treatment.

In severe cases, where scarring has permanently impaired vision, a corneal transplant may be necessary to restore vision.

Some specialized centers use eye drops made from the patient’s own blood to deal with chronic keratitis.

This involves taking a small blood sample and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the liquid component rich in healing proteins.

The patient then applies eye drops made from this liquid daily to speed up corneal recovery.

Researchers behind the latest study hope the “jelly” drops will be a simpler, mass-produced option, sparing patients the need to get a blood sample drawn.

Wharton’s Jelly (named after Thomas Wharton, the 17th-century anatomist who discovered it) is found in abundance in the umbilical cord, but is normally discarded after birth.

In recent years, scientists have discovered that it is a rich source of stem cells: master cells with the potential to grow into any type of organ or tissue in the body.

This discovery has sparked the interest of researchers in several fields, including osteoarthritis, where wear and tear in large joints destroys cartilage, the body’s “shock absorber.”

Some research suggests that injecting Wharton’s Jelly into affected joints stimulates the growth of new cartilage.

Scientists behind the new research predict that the stem cells found in the jelly will boost the healing process in patients with keratitis who have not responded to existing treatments.

Patients receive the drops, made from freeze-dried and sterilized Wharton’s Jelly, five times a day for 40 days.

The amount of healthy new tissue on damaged corneas is then measured to see how well it is working.

Results are expected later this year.

Melanie Hingorani, an ophthalmologist consultant at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, said: ‘We use eye drops from patients’ own blood to heal chronic ulcers, and this is along the same lines.

“The trial is only in 15 patients who have had a corneal ulcer for just one month, so many of these cases could heal on their own no matter what you put in the eye.”

Injecting Wharton’s Jelly into patients with type 1 diabetes could help them maintain some level of insulin production – the hormone needed to stop a buildup of blood sugar levels that can increase the risk of poor circulation and heart disease.

Researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden found that diabetic patients who got the jelly shot saw only a 10 percent drop in levels of C-peptide, a protein present when insulin is circulating, the following year.

However, patients who received a placebo shot saw a 47 percent drop in C-peptide levels, the journal Diabetologia reported.

Foreign mucus to clear a stuffy nose

Getting a healthy stranger’s nasal mucus squirted up your nose could be an unlikely new treatment for sinus congestion.

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden, who performed the procedure daily for five days on 22 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (inflammation of the nasal cavity), found significant improvements in nasal congestion, fatigue and sense of smell, reports the journal International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology. .

The technique is thought to work by increasing the number and variety of bacteria in patients’ nasal microbiomes — the community of insects in the nose. Previous studies have shown that an unhealthy mix can increase the risk of chronically blocked sinuses.

A cream containing ceramides – waxy fats that occur naturally in the skin – can help chronic itchy skin, also known as pruritus.

That’s the basis of a new trial at China’s Zhongshan Hospital involving 50 people with chronic itching who will use the cream daily for a month.

Doctors believe that itching is caused by dehydration, so the ceramides will hold water in the skin and stop the itching.

How daily tai chi halves painful migraine attacks

Tai chi wards off painful migraines, according to a new study by researchers at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

It concerned 82 women who regularly suffered from migraines and who practiced the martial art five days a week for three months.

This halved the average number of attacks, which fell from six per month to three, reported in the journal Frontiers in Public Health.

Women who did not participate in the slow, deliberate exercises saw no change in migraine frequency.

The gentle exercise may stimulate the release of the body’s natural painkillers, experts say.

Secrets of an A-list body

This week: Lily Allen’s diaphragm

Singer and actress Lily Allen, 38, was recently pictured outside a theater in a form-fitting white dress with cutouts, showing off her well-defined torso.

The mother of two is a fan of Pilates and bodyweight workouts. She has said that her figure is the product of sobriety and “exercising every day.”

Lily Allen (pictured outside the Duke of York Theater last week), 38, is a fan of Pilates and bodyweight workouts

WHAT TO TRY: To create a strong midriff, try a Pilates-style reclining twist. Sit on the floor and lean back on your forearms and elbows. Pull in your tailbone and lift your legs so that your knees point to the sky and toes point to the wall, creating a 90-degree angle.

As you inhale, tilt your knees toward the floor as far as you can while keeping your upper body still.

Exhale and pull your knees back to center. Repeat on the other side. Perform five reps on each side for three sets, four times a week.

Did you know?

Sun exposure changes the skin’s microbiome: the mix of bugs that live on our skin and help keep it healthy. When researchers at the University of Manchester studied people’s skin before and after spending a week in a sunny location, they found that exposure to UV reduced bacterial diversity.

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