Eye-catching moment British tourist dives backward into the sea only to slam his face against the side of a boat, breaking his nose and jaw and ripping off part of his nostril

This is the eye-popping moment when a British tourist dives backwards into the ocean, slams his face into the side of a boat and breaks his nose and jaw.

British butcher Macaulay Burke, 28, had flown with nine others to Altinkum on Turkey’s southwest coast for a week’s holiday at a five-star all-inclusive resort.

After spending some time relaxing by the pool, the group booked a beach hopping boat excursion along the coast of Didim.

Macaulay decided to jump into the turquoise water from the middle deck while his family watched from the top deck.

Horrifying footage shows Macaulay confidently leaping backwards off the boat, only to crash into the side of the ship on the way down before hitting the water.

Horrifying footage shows Macaulay leaping confidently backwards off the boat, only to crash into the side of the ship on the way down before hitting the water

Shocking footage shows the injuries sustained, including a broken nose and dislocated jaw

The dazed diver carefully swam back to the boat with the help of another passenger, not realizing the extent of the damage.

Shocking photos show the injuries sustained, including a broken nose and dislocated jaw.

He also tore off part of his right nostril and tore his lower lip clean from his gum line, exposing his jawbone.

After being rushed to hospital immediately after the July 19 incident, Macaulay underwent a two-hour reconstructive surgery to have his face stitched back together.

Sports enthusiast Macaulay said doctors had noted that if he didn’t have a “strong” upper body, he could have broken his neck and died on impact.

Macaulay, from Warwick, said: ‘I was excited to leave and had been buzzing for months and months leading up to it.

‘It wasn’t a crazy party holiday, it was meant to be a relaxing holiday with family.

“I did the backflip at the first stop (on the excursion), which was about 25 minutes into the run.

“We had been messing around with backflips in the pool all holiday and that was all fine.

“While I was doing the backflip, I could see the boat.”

He added: “As soon as I left I knew it was going to end badly, there wasn’t much reaction time. The boat hit me right in the face.

“I’m lucky I didn’t knock myself out. I was in the water and I was very dazed and I knew something bad had happened.

“I slapped my face and immediately broke my nose and ripped my lip away from the gums.

“I dislocated my jaw and managed to pull my gums apart so you could see the jaw bone.”

Macaulay can be seen in agony after hitting his head against the side of the boat while doing a backflip

Macaulay shows his injuries. He tore off part of his right nostril and tore his bottom lip clean from his gum line, exposing his jawbone.

Macaulay is being treated in hospital. Macaulay said doctors had noted that if he didn’t have a “strong” upper body he could have broken his neck and died on impact

Another passenger dove into the sea and helped pull Macaulay back to safety.

He was then speedboated back to shore with his brother-in-law Ainsley Carpenter, 32, where an ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital.

Macaulay said, “At first I thought it would be all right and I would just stay on the boat.

‘I’ve played rugby for years so I have a good pain tolerance and have broken my nose several times.

“But when I looked in the mirror all I saw was blood, I swallowed so much blood.

“I knew my nose was broken because it was just really wide and I had torn my right nostril.

“It pulled out my nose piercing and I had a flap of skin on my right nostril that was torn and I managed to punch a hole in my upper lip.”

Speaking of the two days he spent in hospital, where he had 50 stitches, Macaulay said: ‘They did a fantastic job in Turkey. My nose hasn’t been this straight since playing rugby.

‘People go to Turkey for a nose job. I had mine done, but in a completely different situation.’

He was given his fit-to-fly pass and was able to travel back to the UK on 22 July.

Although he’s on the mend, Macaulay says he went back and forth to the hospital after returning home to see facial reconstruction specialists.

He also claims that British doctors told him he was lucky to be alive.

Macaulay said, ‘When I came back I was told I was so lucky.

“I go to the gym and work out a lot and they said if I didn’t have a strong neck and shoulders I could have broken my neck and been in a completely different position.

“A doctor said I could be dead if I broke my neck in a crash.

“I think if someone was a little shorter or skinnier than me, they might be in a different situation.”

Macaulay with his sister Chelsea on holiday in Turkey. Macaulay said: ‘It wasn’t a crazy party holiday, it was meant to relax with family’

Macaulay said he was grateful he had taken out last-minute £10.80 travel insurance on the morning of his flight to Turkey and said he could have been lumped in with an eye-watering £50,000 bill.

He is now urging everyone to get insurance before going on vacation.

Macaulay said, “I’m not quite sure how much everything cost me.

‘I’ve heard a few different amounts, but I mean you can work out the price from the ambulance trip alone, which was £750.

“I have undergone facial reconstruction, which is going to cost a lot of money. I estimate it will be over £50,000.

“You should get insurance, even if you don’t think you’re going to hurt yourself.

‘I was on a family holiday and it just goes to show that anything unexpected can happen and for £10 it can save your life.

“I am very grateful to the surgeons and the insurance company for their help. It could have been a completely different story.’

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