Battery always low? Three ways to massively extend your iPhone’s life – and why closing apps could be making the problem WORSE

A dead battery can be annoying, but there are some safe steps iPhone users can take to extend the lifespan of their device.

People may not realize that while using your iPhone can drain your battery, it’s often the features running in the background that do more harm than good.

The advice comes after Apple has faced criticism over its lithium-ion batteries, which naturally degrade over time, reducing the charge a phone can hold by up to 80 percent.

Apple has faced criticism for its lithium-ion batteries, which naturally degrade over time, reducing the charge a phone can hold by up to 80 percent

Receiving notifications drains your battery by lighting up your phone’s screen

These three iPhone tricks can help you extend your phone’s battery life by up to 50 percent. If they still don’t work, though, it might be time to take your device to Apple and have them test the device and its battery for power-related issues.

1. Reduce notifications on your backlit screen

Receiving notifications throughout the day can drain your battery because your iPhone’s screen lights up every time a notification comes in.

How quickly your battery level decreases depends on the number of notifications you receive during the day via text messages, phone calls and apps.

When you turn on your sound, these voice notifications will also use power to let you know a notification has arrived.

To disable unnecessary notifications, go to the ‘notifications’ section under ‘settings’ and turn off notifications for apps you don’t use regularly.

Leaving your location on in the background can drain your phone’s battery faster

2. Disable Location Services

While you may be used to leaving your Bumble Location Services or Google Maps on at all times, doing so can actually help conserve battery life on your iPhone.

This is because your GPS hardware requires more battery power to function, and the impact of this often depends on the strength of the signal and the accuracy of the location.

For example, if you use Google Maps to share your location with someone else, chances are the app will be accurate, but it will use more of your battery.

That’s why we recommend turning off your location when you’re not using it. To do this, go to the ‘Privacy and security’ section in settings and click on ‘Location services’. There you can turn the feature off.

Keeping apps open can save your iPhone’s battery. Closing apps causes your phone to use more battery because it has to reload the data associated with the app

3. Stop closing apps

A common misconception is that apps running in the background drain the battery, which is why many users swipe up and close open pages.

However, closing and reopening apps uses more battery than simply leaving them open.

This is because launching an app requires a power boost from the phone to reload the apps, similar to turning the heat or air conditioning in your home off and on.

A better option is to uninstall unused apps and delete large files from your phone regularly.

How to Prevent Apps from Secretly Draining Your iPhone’s Battery

Kewin Charron from telephone repair company Back Market (Back Market)

Certain apps can drain your iPhone’s battery. Identifying these apps can help extend the life of your phone.

Phone repair expert Kewin Charron of technology repair company Back Market told that iOS makes it easy to identify apps that are using a lot of power.

Charron said: “The first step is to understand which apps are using the most battery. From there, users can prioritize the apps they use regularly and remove apps that are taking up unnecessary space.”

Certain apps, like streaming video or graphically intensive games, will always use up a fair amount of power, Charron said, but sometimes fairly simple apps can drain your battery. In that case, you should track down and disable those apps.

To view your phone’s battery usage list, on iOS devices, go to Settings > Battery. Here you’ll find a list of apps, along with the percentage of battery usage for each app over the past seven days.

Some apps can run in the background even when you’re not actively using them. This drains your battery, causing you to have to charge your phone more often.

Over time, this can shorten the lifespan of your phone.

You can address this issue by looking for apps that are heavily active in the background and disabling the ‘background app refresh’ option for each app.

On iOS, you can selectively enable or disable background app refresh in the settings to reduce background activity.

To do this, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and then select Off for individual apps, if necessary.

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