Experts reveal the ‘ideal age gap’ for lasting love- and it’s bad news for couples born 5years apart

Experts have revealed the “ideal age gap” for people who want their relationship to last — and it’s bad news for couples born five years apart.

A newly emerged study from Emory University in Atlanta found that couples with a five-year age difference are 18 percent more likely to break up than partners who are closer in age.

In 2014, researchers at the institution analyzed 3,000 people as part of their study.

The experts concluded that the greater the age difference between couples, the more likely they are to break up.

For example, partners were 39 percent more likely to break up if they were born 10 years apart.

A newly emerged study from Emory University in Atlanta found that couples with a five-year age difference are 18 percent more likely to break up. Stock photo

The odds of a split then skyrocketed to 95 percent in couples with a 20-year age difference.

As such, researchers found that the “ideal” age difference between couples was a year or less.

The study concluded that the likelihood of divorce fell to just three percent for couples born within 12 months or less of each other.

Hugo Mialon, one of the researchers, commented: ‘It could be that the type of couples with these characteristics are the type of couples that, on average, are more likely to divorce for other reasons.’

Relationship and body language expert Katia Loisel previously told FEMAIL about some of the challenges couples with a significant age gap face.

She said: “When it comes to love there is no magic formula. Relationships are as unique as the people in them, but couples with large age gaps face a unique set of challenges that can put their relationship at risk.”

These include dealing with social disapproval – mainly because individuals believe the younger lover is ‘exploiting’ the older partner – being at different stages of life and unable to get along with each other’s friends and peers.

Katia continued: ‘Couples at different stages of life also experience differences in financial and career stability and this can have an impact on the relationship.’

Relationship and body language expert Katie Loisel previously told FEMAIL if a relationship with a big age gap can last a long time

What are some of the main warning signs to watch out for?

* You are not on an equal footing and one partner has more power in the relationship.

* One of you wants to hide your relationship from friends and family.

* They are critical of your friends and peers.

* They are not on the same page as you in terms of life goals, children, and commitment.

* Their friends and family don’t approve of your relationship.

* They show signs of trying to control you and the relationship, be it emotionally, financially or socially.

* They try to change you.

If the couple has opposing values ​​and interests, it can put a strain on their love. However, Katia noted that this can be a problem for any couple.

Some of the main ‘warning signs’ to look out for when entering into a relationship with an older or younger partner is someone trying to ‘hide’ that they are in a relationship, they are critical of your friends, many of your close family members disapprove, they try to control or change you in any way, or you are not on the same wavelength in terms of life goals and commitment.

If you have a hard time detecting red flags, it may be easier to note their body language to decipher if they are “The One” for you.

“Our nonverbal communication and body language reflect how we feel and can reveal resentment, disapproval and contempt and waning love if we look closely enough,” Katia said.

We subconsciously move closer to people we enjoy being around and away from those who make us feel uncomfortable.

“Keep an eye out for signs of distancing and blocking, including moving their torso and feet away from you, averted gaze, hand-to-face gestures (including partial hand over mouth), hidden palms, and disappearing legs ‘, she said.

Lip biting is an unconscious response to stress and anxiety – a fairly reliable indication that something could be wrong.

Like crossing your legs, fidgeting, wringing your hands and twisting your feet around a chair.

While our bodies can be hard to read at times, it might be time to talk about how either partner feels if one of the queues is noticeable.

For those currently in a relationship with a big age gap, Katia has some simple advice.

“Be very honest about your life goals and what you want from the relationship and from life,” she said.

“Age gap relationships can be stressful so nurture your support network and friendships, they will be your lifeblood.”

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