EXCLUSIVE: Top Republican BEATS CCP For Promoting ‘Hostile Activity’ In US After Bomb Explosion Of Possible China-Run ‘Bioweapons’ Laboratory Filled With Dead Mice And Hazardous Waste In California

Top Republican Mike Gallagher denounces the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for promoting “hostile activities” in the US after a bombing of a Chinese-linked laboratory in California.

Local and federal officials raided a facility in Reedley, California, which turned out to be an illegal Chinese-run virus lab that genetically engineered mice and experimented with HIV, herpes and malaria.

Photos obtained by DailyMail.com through court documents show thousands of dead mice crammed into storage bins shoved haphazardly on shelves and freezers filled to the brim with bottles of blood and plasma of unknown origin.

Gallagher, who chairs the Chinese Communist Party’s House Select Committee, told DailyMail.com that the discovery of the lab is “incredibly disturbing,” and said his committee has already contacted several federal agencies to seek additional information. to get.

Gallagher said that while it’s in a very “early stage” and they’re still looking for answers about what happened, it could be “another example of CCP united front work where they set up all these organizations to prevent hostile activity.” taking place on American soil. .’

“And if this indeed turned out to be some kind of bioweapons laboratory, then that is just another example that the CCP threat is not far away, but the threat is right here.”

According to court documents, the red biohazard bag was not marked or certified

Blood and plasma from unknown sources were also found in some of the several freezers on the property

He said he doesn’t understand why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not yet commented on the situation.

“We’re hoping to get more information from the FBI and we’re doing some work to untangle some of the relationships between this lab and the nonprofits and sort of the tangled web of institutions it was connected to.”

The CDC reportedly tested the substances in the lab and found HIV, malaria and other diseases.

GOP Senator Joni Ernst also warns that China is “in our house” and calls for accountability.

The Iowa senator told DailyMail.com in an exclusive statement after the explosion that “China is not just in our backyard, they are in our house, illegally conducting risky research that poses a serious public health problem.”

“The world has already witnessed the impact of Chinese state-owned Wuhan Lab’s experiments on coronaviruses in bats, and I have been working to end taxpayer funding for these dangerous projects,” continued Ernst .

“We cannot allow what happened in Wuhan on our own shores. There must be accountability.’

FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed that a leak from a laboratory in the central Chinese city of Wuhan likely caused the COVID pandemic.

A 10-page report released June 23 showed how multiple US agencies besides the FBI — including the Department of Energy — now believe the lab leak is the most likely cause of the pandemic.

In March, researchers gained access to the warehouse of an organization called Prestige BioTech.

They discovered a small room with nearly 1,000 white mice trapped in storage containers under bright lights 24 hours a day, seven days a week, compressed in an airless room on perpetually dirty bedding. When investigators found them, hundreds were already dead.

A wide variety of vials were also identified containing biomaterials, including blood and tissue, as well as many other unlabeled chemicals.

The mice were confined in a poorly ventilated room barely larger than a closet under constant bright light, as shown in the photo above. Court documents also say they had insufficient food and water

Some have been found to contain chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcal pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5, rubella and malaria. And it appears that the biological waste produced at the site was disposed of in such a way that it violated the safe disposal protocols required by the state’s Medical Waste Management Act.

To date, city officials have removed more than 5,000 gallons of biological waste from the site on three separate trips.

And while the precise origins of the lab remain unknown, provincial officials noted that the other addresses provided were empty offices in China or other addresses in that country that could not be verified.

The origin of the lab is currently being investigated.

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