EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Says Stanford’s ‘Ubiquitous’ Censorship of Conservative Speech Before 2020 Election Is Evidence of ‘Far-Left’ Takeover of Colleges: Sunshine Is the Most Powerful Weapon to Combat ‘Cultural Marxism’

Senator Ted Cruz blames the takeover of American universities by the far left for the “ubiquitous” censorship of conservatives and the spread of Marxist ideals.

“We have seen that censorship is ubiquitous. And it is one of many tools used by the far left,” Cruz told DailyMail.com during an exclusive interview.

He was responding to a new report showing that government agencies were working with Stanford University and other colleges to create a “disinformation group” to censor speeches ahead of the 2020 election.

According to new emails, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of State worked with colleges to label as “misinformation” messages from former President Donald Trump, Republican Rep. Thomas Massie and Sen. Thom Tillis, and conservative news commentators. .

Cruz told DailyMail.com that one of the main reasons he wrote his new book “Unwoke,” released this week, was the left-wing radicalization of colleges across the country.

‘The reason I wrote the book is because millions of us are looking around and wondering what the hell happened. How did things get so extreme so quickly,” Cruz said.

A new report revealed that government agencies collaborated with Stanford University (pictured) and other colleges to create a ‘disinformation group’ to censor speeches ahead of the 2020 election

Cruz discussed his new book 'Unwoke' exclusively with DailyMail.com

Cruz discussed his new book ‘Unwoke’ exclusively with DailyMail.com

“What the book describes is how the far left took control of our country’s most important institutions and it started with universities.”

The Republican senator from Texas cited other recent cases in which Stanford has allowed radicalism on its campus.

Federal Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan arrived at Stanford Law School in March 2023 and was yelled at, cursed at and heckled by a group of students who disagreed with his conservative stance.

It was in a way “that was unimaginable,” Cruz said. ‘And that is one of the many examples in which we have seen radicalization on universities.’

The senator said the issue has only worsened in the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7, which killed more than 1,400 innocent civilians.

University student groups have written letters in support of Hamas, organized rallies in support of Palestine and engaged in anti-Semitic behavior.

Stanford’s leadership has come under scrutiny for its failure to quickly condemn Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel and to push back against anti-Semitism on campus.

In addition, several “hate and anti-Semitism” incidents have occurred at Stanford, including the tearing down of posters of civilians held hostage by Hamas and chalk graffiti.

More than a thousand students and graduates signed an open letter to Stanford, chiding the university for not responding quickly.

The university eventually suspended one of its faculty members for calling out Israeli students while discussing the massacre in Israel.

“Sunshine and transparency” are the most powerful weapons to fight back against growing Marxism on college campuses, Cruz told DailyMail.com.

He said that in the case where the appellate judge was shouted down by student protesters, he wrote a letter to the dean of the law school and the president of Stanford calling on them to call on the dean and the ‘DEI dean who sided with chose the mafia instead of firing the speaker. and the judge.’

And Stanford ultimately fired her because “the far left’s agenda is unpopular.”

In addition, the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court wrote to Cruz, telling him that the Texas State Bar was implementing “enhanced scrutiny,” especially for graduates of Stanford and also for Yale Law School.

Cruz said he supports the efforts of leading law firms across the country, which have pledged not to hire students who have participated in pro-Hamas rallies on their campuses.

He also argued that major donors are right to withdraw enormous amounts of money from the schools because they are becoming “such a hotbed of anti-Semitism.”

What’s happening on college campuses right now is “a perfect example” of what his book is about, he continued.

“I describe it as cultural Marxism,” he explained.

What's happening on college campuses right now is

What’s happening on college campuses right now is “a perfect example” of what his book is about, Cruz told DailyMail.com

Stanford's leadership has come under scrutiny for its failure to quickly condemn Hamas' brutal attack on Israel and to push back against anti-Semitism on campus.

Stanford’s leadership has come under scrutiny for its failure to quickly condemn Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel and to push back against anti-Semitism on campus.

The Marxist lens has been applied to critical race theory, gender and gender orientation and other issues, the senator said.

He also brought up Chinese infiltration of the American education system, which he calls the “nexus that connects all waking institutions.”

The senator referred to a lab in Montana where taxpayer money was used to manipulate coronaviruses before the pandemic.

DailyMail.com last week revealed how government-sponsored researchers infected bats with a ‘SARS-like’ virus in 2018 as part of a collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is at the center of the COVID cover-up scandal.

Moreover, TikTok perpetuates the problem on college campuses, Cruz believes.

The company pushes “highly harmful content, especially for children,” which it says “promotes abuse and all kinds of dangerous activities by young people.”

It also “very deliberately promotes pro-Hamas propaganda,” he said.

Cruz added that we’re seeing it from the left — whether it’s the progressive team in the House of Representatives or the “vicious, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic protests on campuses with Jewish students.”

Squad Rep. Rashida Tlaib was criticized by her colleagues in the House of Representatives on Tuesday evening for her anti-Israel rhetoric.

The rebuke came after Tlaib defended the use of a rallying cry used by Palestinian militants: “from the river to the sea.”

The resolution called out Tlaib for “knowingly spreading the false narrative that Israel deliberately bombed a hospital in Gaza.”

Israeli intelligence claimed that the hospital explosion, which killed dozens of people, was caused by a failed Hamas rocket.

Censorship is a form of public reprimand without formal consequences.