EXCLUSIVE: NYU investigates ‘disgusting’ students who held anti-Semitic ‘keep the world clean’ signs during protests in Washington Square Park

  • Two young people held up anti-Semitic signs during a strike protest
  • NYU told DailyMail.com that it is working to verify their identities and will take action
  • The demonstration is the latest in a strong anti-Israel event in New York City

NYU students held up anti-Semitic “keep the world clean” signs in the heart of Manhattan, in the latest report of rising hatred toward Jews and Israel in New York.

The students gathered for the “walkout” protest organized by Ryna Workman, a law student who previously called Hamas’ attack on Israel “necessary.”

There were dozens of Gen Z protesters in Washington Square Park today, waving pride flags and wearing kaffiyehs, demanding “freedom for Palestine” and a “repulsion” of Israel’s “genocidal regime.”

Among them were a handful of more hateful youths, including a young woman holding up a pink sign that read, “Keep the world clean,” with an illustration of the Star of David in a trash can.

There were dozens of Gen Z protesters in Washington Square Park today, waving pride flags and wearing kaffiyehs, demanding “freedom for Palestine” and a “repulsion” of Israel’s “genocidal regime.”

Another protester with the same sign at the protest in Manhattan on Wednesday

Another protester with the same sign at the protest in Manhattan on Wednesday

Another youth held up a sign with the same message.

NYU spokesman John Beckman told DailyMail.com that the school is working to verify the couple’s identities.

“These signals are anti-Semitic, disgusting and a shame. We do not know the identity of the people depicted, but we are taking this seriously and will investigate.

“To be clear, anti-Semitism is against University rules and violators will be subject to University conduct procedures.”

At the same protest, a young Jewish man was chased by pro-Palestinian supporters who refused to answer when he asked if they supported Hamas.

The young protesters shouted and chanted, led by Workman.

It is the latest in a series of anti-Semitic or anti-Israel incidents in the city.

Over the weekend, middle-aged adults were filmed tearing up and removing posters of Israeli child hostages.

Cheddar reporter Katie Sands Bochman, who is Jewish, was walking her dog in the park at the time of the protest.

The young protesters were mostly peaceful, with some loud shouting matches between opposing sides

The young protesters were mostly peaceful, with some loud shouting matches between opposing sides

She approached the young woman holding the anti-Semitic sign and asked her name.

‘She looked very scared and didn’t want to give it to me. They incited a lot of violence and were very aggressive, but mostly wore masks, which is so cowardly,” Sands Bochman told DailyMail.com.

“They don’t want their faces shown, but they like to incite violence.”

She said that after confronting the youth with the anti-Semitic sign, some other protesters asked to pet her dog.

‘I don’t know if they know what they’re singing or who they’re following. They are so uneducated. It makes me afraid for our country.

“They follow very dangerous people just to, it seems, feel like they’re part of something.”

“Your 9/11 is their 24/7,” read another sign at the protest on Wednesday

“Your 9/11 is their 24/7,” read another sign at the protest on Wednesday