EXCLUSIVE: ‘Morbidly Obese’ Mom of Two Who Used to Consume 8,000 CALORIES A DAY Reveals How She Lost a Whopping 140 Pounds — Without Ever Stepping Foot in a Gym

A mother-of-two has told how she dropped seven dress sizes without stepping into a gym.

31-year-old hairstylist and makeup artist Ali Bruch from Wisconsin was previously classified as morbidly obese.

Weighing 278 pounds, she struggled to keep up with her energetic children.

After following a keto diet and fasting, Ali successfully lost 138 pounds and now weighs 140 pounds in two years.

A Wisconsin mother of two told how she dropped seven dress sizes without going to a gym. In the before and after photo

31-year-old hairstylist and make-up artist Ali Bruch was previously classified as morbidly obese. In the before and after photo

Weighing 278 pounds, she struggled to keep up with her energetic children. After following a keto diet and fasting, Ali successfully lost 138 pounds and now weighs 140 (pictured)

“I used to consume up to 8,000 calories a day,” she admitted.

‘I would binge eat whenever I felt anxious, whether I was happy or sad.

‘I felt like I had no control. I started my day with chips, moved on to sweets, enjoyed takeaways like pizza and burgers and then returned to chips.

‘My worst binges happened late at night. I sat in bed eating without thinking about what I was putting into my body.’

The “recommended daily calorie intake in the US is around 2,500 for men and 2,000 for women,” according to Medical news today.

Ali consumed four times the average daily recommended calorie intake.

“My weight ruined my life,” Ali said.

“I couldn’t run around with my daughter. Standing all day at work hurt and my ankles swelled.

“I used to consume up to 8,000 calories a day,” she admitted. ‘I would binge eat whenever I felt anxious, whether I was happy or sad’

‘I felt like I had no control. I would start my day with chips, move on to sweets, enjoy takeaways like pizza and burgers and then return to chips,” she explained.

‘I hid from cameras, afraid my pictures would end up online and people would see how big I was.

‘Looking back, it’s sad how I used to treat my body.’

Ali’s journey to transformation took an unexpected turn during a shopping trip with her cousin.

A store clerk bluntly pointed out to her that she would not find a dress in regular sizes and referred her to the plus size department.

“Back then, I could barely wear a size 22 without sucking in my stomach,” she said.

‘I left the store and went home feeling defeated. It was eye-opening in the saddest way, but also very motivating.”

A few weeks later, while scrolling through Instagram, Ali came across a photo of a girl who had lost weight by following a ketogenic diet.

“I read her page and thought I could stick with keto. I researched all night and started keto the next morning,” Ali explained.

Ali’s journey to transformation took an unexpected turn during a shopping trip with her cousin

A store clerk bluntly pointed out to her that she would not find a dress in regular sizes and referred her to the plus size department. The photo shows Ali before (L) and after (R) her weight loss

‘I cut out sugar and maintained a daily intake of only 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates.

‘I have lost a significant amount of weight. During my pregnancy with my son, I adjusted my diet to suit me and my baby’s nutritional needs.

‘After the birth of my son, I returned to my keto lifestyle, which involved eating 1,400 calories daily and included intermittent fasting the next day from 6pm to noon, breaking my fast with lunch.’

Ali’s journey with keto hasn’t been without hurdles, including weight loss plateaus.

“I’ve been setting small, achievable goals — whether it’s losing two or five pounds — to maintain focus and motivation,” she said.

‘Portion control and intuition are the key to my success. Having healthy snacks at home helped curb cravings for binge eating.

‘The support from my friends and family helped. My friends always have keto-friendly options when we hang out.”

A few weeks later, while scrolling through Instagram, Ali came across a photo of a girl who had lost weight by following a ketogenic diet

“I read her page and thought I could stick with keto. I researched all night and started keto the next morning,” explains Ali (left before her transformation and recently right)

By sticking to a ketogenic diet, Ali lost half her body weight and fit into a size 8. Still, such rapid weight loss came with its own challenge.

“I weighed 140 pounds, but after losing so much weight, I was left with excess skin,” Ali noted.

‘I had worked so hard and was so proud of myself, but I still couldn’t look past the feeling that I was living in a body that wasn’t my own.

‘My skin no longer suited me. I had heavy folds that caused rashes and abrasions, especially around my stomach.”

Four months ago, Ali made the decision to undergo plastic surgery.

“Having plastic surgery is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself,” she confirmed.

‘I had a complete makeover, including a full tummy tuck, a lower body lift and a breast enlargement (32A cup to 32DDD cup).

Her plan was to cut out sugar and maintain a daily intake of 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates. She ate just 1,400 calories a day and practiced intermittent fasting from 6 p.m. to noon

After successfully losing weight, Ali underwent several plastic surgeries, including “a full tummy tuck, a lower body lift, and a breast augmentation (32A cup to 32DDD cup).”

‘The first operation, three years ago, the tummy tuck and breast enlargement, was the big one.

‘I spent the first few weeks recovering and taking it easy, but once I healed I felt fantastic.

“Surprisingly, the surgeries and recovery went much smoother than I expected.”

Ali revealed that losing weight has made her a more present mother and a happier version of herself.

‘I can run with my kids in the park. I can play football with my son,” she said.

‘I’m not ashamed to put on a swimsuit and jump in the pool with my daughter.

“I’m so happy that I did this for myself, but especially that I did it for my children.”

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