EXCLUSIVE: German Shepherd owner Lynda Hudson plans to put ‘Syko’ to sleep after viciously mauling smaller pups outside New York City’s La Librairie des Enfants bookstore

The owner of a 98-pound German Shepherd named Syko plans to “put the dog to sleep” after viciously attacking several smaller pups outside her Upper East Side bookstore La Librairie des Enfants.

Lynda Hudson, 58, claims she was ‘harassed’ after her dog Syko attacked at least four dogs outside the La Librairie des Enfants in recent months, including a Toy Poodle named Baby, who had to be euthanized after his spine was broken in the attack.

Hudson has told neighbors she plans to put Syko to sleep in the coming days, after a vet allegedly refused to put down the “healthy” dog.

In an email to DailyMail.com, Hudson apologized to locals for her dog’s behavior that scared people in the neighborhood — and said she had tried everything to tame his wild behavior.

‘Syko’ – second from left and pictured with his parents and siblings – mauled several smaller pups outside quaint French bookstore La Librairie des Enfants on the Upper East Side

Lynda Hudson, 58, opened La Librairie des Enfants in 2016. She owns the mean German Shepherd dog who has mauled other animals

‘I thought you should know the whole story and maybe you should have come to see me! I would have explained it to you (sic),” she wrote in an email to local resident and dog owner Fred Gross.

‘It’s a great pity that this poor little dog has fallen asleep and I’m so sick!’

She explained that she had put the aggressive dog through ‘various programs’ (training, behaviourist, medication,..) It just doesn’t work.’

The email added, ‘I’ve been here for almost 9 years and my adult dogs have never attacked, but this white German Shepherd is something.

“I called my vet yesterday to ask him to put the dog to sleep and my vet refused to do that.”

The vet reportedly referred her to a clinic in Brewster, where Hudson said she had an appointment Monday.

After being asked if she would return to the store, Hudson said she planned to close the bookstore until September — and travel to France next week.

She added: “My dogs will no longer be in the store, but the hatred and insults must stop.”

Laurie Davis, a local engineering engineer and the owner of a little white Cavachon named Chloe, is one of the unlucky owners whose furry friend was attacked by Syko.

Davis is now taking Hudson to small claims court for the $6,000 it cost to treat Chloe’s serious injury, claiming she promised to pay it all.

She was walking with a friend and their Muppet, when Syko lunged at them – and two other dogs reportedly bit the Maltipoo’s face.

“My boyfriend and I came back from Central Park with our dogs… next thing I know, this white dog has Chloe in his mouth,” she told Dailymail.com of the May 7 incident.

Chloe and her owner Laurie Davis follow Syko’s brutal attack on little Cavachon in early May. Davis is taking Hudson to small claims court over the $6,000 vet bill that resulted from lifesaving measures for Chloe

The aftermath of Chloe’s injury from being attacked by Syko. She required emergency surgery and was in intensive care for nearly three days

Davis said she “screamed at the top of her lungs” as she tried to save her dog, who received help from several people who live in her building and nearby.

A man from her building, she said, “grabbed a wet towel and applied pressure to her wound, which probably saved her life.”

Chloe survived but required emergency surgery and was in intensive care for nearly three days, according to Davis.

Hudson later tried to talk to Davis, saying the attack had been her husband’s fault because “he’s a drunk.”

She also said she would pay Chloe’s veterinary bills, though Davis said she hasn’t received a check yet.

Another neighbor told Dailymail.com that she has had several unpleasant encounters with Hudson in the wake of Syko’s attacks.

She said that when she started crossing the street with her dog so as not to walk next to La Librairie des Enfants bookstore, Hudson yelled at her, arguing that the attacks were not her fault.

The woman added that Hudson seemed confident that because the attacks happened on the sidewalk in front of her store, as opposed to inside the store, they shouldn’t affect her business.

“It’s like lie after lie after lie” with Hudson, the woman said.

Gross confirmed that Hudson made empty promises about how she would handle her dog brood.

He added: ‘The last time she said the dogs would be muzzled and only one would be in the store at a time, that wasn’t true.

‘It’s crazy. I only emailed her to protect the neighborhood. It’s gotten so out of hand that this had to happen. She told us she’s closing shop for the summer and going to France, but who knows.’

According to an email sent Tuesday, Hudson said she is closing the bookstore until “at least” September.

Hudson had been told by angry locals to “get out of the neighborhood,” after blaming the toy poodle’s owner for Syko’s attack.

Personal trainer Akiba Tripp was walking her seven-pound Toy Poodle Baby near the bookstore on Friday when Syko sank his teeth into the pup, breaking her spine

Personal trainer Akiba Tripp was walking her seven-pound toy poodle baby near the bookstore on Friday when the owner suddenly opened the door

Psychologist Julia Schafer, another Upper East Side resident, said she was walking out of her building with her little collie mix Tarsila one day on May 3 when disaster struck

DailyMail.com revealed that Hudson posted several cryptic messages to the bookstore’s social media pages, before writing that the owner “put her to sleep real quick!” I was wondering!’.

Personal trainer Akiba Tripp was walking her seven-pound baby toy poodle near the bookstore last Friday when the owner suddenly opened the door.

Hudson walked out with Syko, who then grabbed the poodle “in his mouth,” sinking his teeth into Baby and breaking her spine.

People from neighboring bars rushed over and tried to drag the dogs apart on the blood-spattered sidewalk. But Baby couldn’t move because she was paralyzed from the attack.

The poodle was euthanized that evening. But not before Hudson offered to pay for medical treatment and reportedly asked to adopt and rehabilitate the little dog.

Baby is not the first victim of the aggressive dog. Skyo attacked Tarsila, a small collie mix, on May 3.

Psychologist Julia Schafer said she was walking out of her building when her pup was grabbed and mauled by Syko. Hudson agreed to pay the $850 vet bill.

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