EXCLUSIVE: Casey DeSantis toured Florida’s hurricane devastation and chatted with heroic first responders with smiling 6-year-old daughter Madison

  • DailyMail.com has obtained exclusive photos of Casey’s tour of Homosassa Springs
  • Her daughter Madison went on the boat ride with the first responders
  • Casey held a smiling Madison on her hip in never-before-seen photos

First Lady Casey DeSantis toured a part of Florida hit hard by Hurricane Idalia and met with first responders with her smiling six-year-old daughter Madison.

DailyMail.com obtained exclusive photos of Casey’s tour of Homosassa Springs last week, where she met with local law enforcement and the Coast Guard, who were first on the scene after the devastating storm.

The first lady recognized the heroism of first responders who saved a fisherman’s life after his boat was wrecked by the hurricane.

Her six-year-old daughter Madison went on the boat trip and learned about the details of the fisherman’s rescue.

Casey propped Madison up on her hip during the tour in never-before-seen photos obtained by DailyMail.com.

Madison was all smiles as she wore a neon yellow life jacket while on the boat with her hair tied in a bright white bow.

DailyMail.com obtained exclusive photos from Casey’s tour of Homosassa Springs last week

Casey held Madison on her hip during the tour in never-before-seen photos obtained by DailyMail.com

Casey held Madison on her hip during the tour in never-before-seen photos obtained by DailyMail.com

Florida’s first lady announced $6 million to support hurricane recovery efforts in the Big Bend area.

“After Hurricane Idalia, we are strengthening resources for local governments to continue providing services and ensuring small businesses can keep their doors open,” said First Lady Casey DeSantis.

She added that through “awards and other programs,” the DeSantis administration is working to “rebuild, while attracting economic development opportunities and equipping Floridians with skills to care for their families.”

The hurricane-devastating tour preceded her husband Ron DeSantis’ third GOP debate appearance in Miami this week.

Casey was seen in Miami on Wednesday supporting Ron during his third Republican debate.

Six-year-old Madison went on the boat trip and learned about the details of the fisherman's rescue

Six-year-old Madison went on the boat trip and learned about the details of the fisherman’s rescue

Madison wore a neon yellow life jacket while on the boat

Madison wore a neon yellow life jacket while on the boat

Republican presidential candidate Florida Governor Ron DeSantis greets his wife Casey after a Republican presidential primary debate this week hosted by NBC News

Republican presidential candidate Florida Governor Ron DeSantis greets his wife Casey after a Republican presidential primary debate this week hosted by NBC News

Casey joined husband Ron on stage after the GOP debate

Casey joined husband Ron on stage after the GOP debate

Casey DeSantis showed up in Miami on Wednesday to support Ron during his third Republican debate

Casey DeSantis showed up in Miami on Wednesday to support Ron during his third Republican debate

She dazzled in a white matching set decorated with colorful flowers.

Ron wore a black and white checkered tie with a small white pattern that came into question because it gave a strobe effect on the screen.

Casey DeSantis was a longtime TV reporter in Jacksonville, Florida before supporting her husband’s political career.

Ron DeSantis defeated Nikki Haley in the third Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night, according to an exclusive poll of DailyMail.com viewers.

The pair have dropped to second place in the Republican nomination race behind Donald Trump.

The Florida governor was rated the most presidential of the five candidates on stage and better positioned than Haley, the former South Carolina governor, to take the front-runner position.

In a head-to-head matchup, 56 percent of respondents said DeSantis outperformed Haley, according to a poll of 544 viewers conducted by JL Partners. In contrast, 35 percent said Haley did better.

And when asked who was best positioned to defeat the former president, 53 percent said DeSantis and 29 percent chose Haley.