EXCLUSIVE: Bridget Fonda’s Husband, Composer Danny Elfman DENIES ‘Absurd’ Sexual Abuse Allegations

Composer Danny Elfman has emphatically denied the sexual abuse allegations against him as ‘absurd’ and ‘deserving’.

In court documents obtained by DailyMail.com, Elfman’s attorneys allege that Jane Doe XX’s lawsuit was “maliciously filed” for the “improper purpose of embarrassing Mr. Elfman and extorting settlement money.”

Elfman, 70, who married former actress Bridget Fonda in 2003, is accused of sexually assaulting the unnamed Maryland woman between 1997 and 2002 by exposing himself to her and masturbating while she slept next to him in bed.

The new documents filed by the composer’s attorneys clearly state that Elfman “did not commit any wrongful conduct against Plaintiff.” He did not sexually assault her, make any inappropriate advances or touch her inappropriately.”

Danny Elfman has denied the sexual abuse allegations against him as ‘absurd’ and ‘meritless’.

Elfman, 70, who married former actress Bridget Fonda in 2003, is accused of sexually assaulting a Maryland woman between 1997 and 2002

The unidentified woman is suing Elfman and his company, Musica de la Muerta, for assault, gender violence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, sexual harassment and negligence.

The lawsuit alleges that the plaintiff met Elfman at a party in April 1997, when she was a 21-year-old student at the New York Film Academy, and Elfman was 47.

She claims he invited her to various industry events, asked her opinions on films and music and treated her as “an advisor and protégé.”

The lawsuit also alleges that when she was alone with Elfman, he “removed all of his clothing until he was completely naked and walked around naked in front of the plaintiff with his genitals exposed.”

“Defendant Elfman told plaintiff this was the only way he could work, be creative and be successful,” the complaint alleges.

The plaintiff believed that “she had no choice but to always comply with his requests, and the plaintiff believed that this was a condition of continuing their relationship,” the complaint said.

She also claims he took her to film scoring sessions for Good Will Hunting and invited her to stay with him in Topanga Canyon, California, while she looked for an apartment in LA.

She says she often slept in the same bed as Elfman, while he was completely naked and she was fully clothed, often on top of the covers.

Elfman fired back at the lawsuits, saying all the allegations are false and that the lawsuit was “maliciously filed without any valid basis”

Bridget Fonda was photographed for the first time after her husband was accused of sexual abuse by a second woman in a new lawsuit

When Elfman allegedly told her in 2002, “Every time you ever slept next to me, I would masturbate next to you,” she ended the relationship.

A year after the accuser’s relationship with Elfman ended, the composer became engaged to actress Bridget Fonda and they tied the knot in November, sharing 18-year-old son Oliver.

But Elfman fired back in court papers filed this week, saying the “story that Mr. Elfman secretly masturbated in front of the plaintiff while she slept, and years later on a whim decided to tell her that he had done is incorrect.

‘He never masturbated in front of her and never told her he did. Not only is Plaintiff’s complaint patently false, but the alleged legal claims contained therein are patently meritless.”

The documents further state that Jane Doe XX “chose to embark on a disinformation campaign, submitting her dishonest complaint to the media days before it was filed with the Court or became publicly available on the Court’s docket.

“By publicizing her allegations and using provocative but untrue buzzwords during her plea, Plaintiff all but guaranteed widespread, salacious press coverage that would certainly damage Mr. Elfman, despite the meritless nature of her claims.”

The new lawsuit is similar to that of composer Nomi Abadi, who sued Elfman in 2018, although the lawsuit was settled.

Abadi then sued Elfman again in July this year for failing to pay in full the settlement agreement reached in 2018, with Elfman still required to pay $85,000 of the $835,000 settlement.

The lawsuit alleges that the plaintiff met Elfman at a party in April 1997, when she was a 21-year-old student at the New York Film Academy, and Elfman was 47.

The new lawsuit is similar to that of composer Nomi Abadi, who sued Elfman in 2018, although the lawsuit was settled

The first lawsuit filed by Abadi in 2018 alleged that Elfman often exposed himself and masturbated in front of her.

In the new filing, Elfman’s attorneys state: “Defendants specifically deny that Mr. Elfman ever engaged in improper conduct with Nomi Abadi, who is not a party to the party, as alleged in the complaint.

‘Mrs. Abadi’s claims, like the plaintiff’s claims, are unfounded.’

After Jane Doe XX first heard about the original lawsuit, she contacted Abadi’s attorney Jeff Anderson.

Anderson says Jane Doe XX told him, “The similarities are so striking. Around the same age, both ambitious in the entertainment industry, who looked to him as a powerful mentor and trusted him and were not in a position to recognize that they were both being used and abused.”

The plaintiff claims damages,including but not limited to medical and incidental expenses and loss of income.”

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