EXCLUSIVE: Bijou Phillips ‘can’t accept’ that husband Danny Masterson raped two women as her full letter to judge calling him an ‘amazing father’ who ‘shielded young actors’ is revealed

Convicted rapist Danny Masterson’s wife Bijou Phillips still ‘can’t accept’ that he sexually assaulted two women, calling him a ‘great father’ who worked to ‘protect younger actors from temptation’ in a letter in which he begged a judge for leniency in his sentencing.

Phillips, 43, stayed by the actor’s side through two trials and looked dejected as she sat among a grim group of Scientology friends and family members as he was sentenced to 30 years in prison on Thursday.

A source told DailyMail.com that Phillips believes in his innocence and is concerned about his safety in prison as a notorious convicted rapist.

But the actress’ letter — and those of his famous friends Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis — apparently didn’t move Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo, who imposed the harshest possible sentence of 30 years: 15 years for each conviction of rape.

Masterson, 47, blew a kiss to his wife of nearly 20 years as he was escorted to begin his sentence.

In her letter, Phillips claimed Masterson was a “life-saving” partner who devoted himself to farming to support his family when the allegations surfaced about him and he lost his acting career.

Danny Masterson has been sentenced to 30 years to life for raping two women. His wife, actress Bijou Phillips, 43 – who had been by his side during two criminal trials – looked dejected as she sat among a grim group of Scientology friends and relatives.

Convicted rapist Danny Masterson blows his wife Bijou Phillips a kiss in court as he is sentenced to 30 years behind bars

She also noted Masterson’s aversion to drugs – a general tenet of Scientology, and his apparent dedication to helping young actors escape the doom of wealth and fame.

A source close to Phillips told DailyMail.com: ‘Bijou’s only positive view on things comes from her confidence in Danny and the appeals process. She maintains that she has complete faith that he never did what he was charged with. She cannot accept that this is true. And she looks forward to the appeals process to see justice done.

‘Danny is convinced that he has done nothing wrong and Bijou believes him. Her other thoughts are a little more frightening and morbid. She doesn’t believe that Danny will hurt himself in prison, but she is very afraid that someone will harm or even kill him and the stress that puts her is on its own level of stress. that she has never felt before. It’s a nightmare, but she will be by his side and stay present for their daughter.”

DailyMail.com has contacted Phillip’s representatives for comment on this story.

Before sentencing, Masterson’s attorney, Shawn Holley, urged the judge to impose concurrent and non-consecutive 15-year life sentences, saying this would be “fair and just.”

Bijou Phillips is seen sobbing in court as her husband, and father of her young daughter, is sentenced to 30 years in prison for the rape of two women

Bijou accepts the prospect of raising her child alone after her husband, 47, was convicted in an LA court in May on two counts of rape

Prosecutor and Deputy District Attorney Reinhold Mueller asked the judge to impose a prison sentence of 30 to life, saying Holley’s plea for just 15 years “wasn’t fair and just… absolutely not.” Thirty years to life imprisonment is deserved.

“After Masterson was raped the first time, he had time to think about what he had done,” he said. “Despite that, he raped again.”

Masterson had two trials. His first, six months earlier, resulted in a mistrial after another jury was hopelessly deadlocked on all three rape charges. He was released on $3.3 million bail in both cases, but that freedom ended on May 31 with his double conviction.

Since then, he has been locked up in the infamous Men’s Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles.

Masterson’s victims tearfully told the court how he had destroyed their lives.

“You are pathetic, crazy and extremely violent and the world is a safer place with you in prison,” said Jane Doe #2, looking straight at the actor, wearing a gray suit and open-necked shirt.

“You are a complete coward and a heartless monster,” Jane Doe #1 added. “I think life in prison is an appropriate sentence.”

His accusers — whom DailyMail.com identifies only as Jane Does 1 through 3 — are all former Scientologists and have also sued the actor and the Church of Scientology in civil court, claiming they have been harassed and intimidated since bringing him to reported to the police. . A status hearing on that civil case is scheduled for September 26

Bijou Phillips’ full letter to the judge

Dear Judge Olmedo,

I am writing to ask that you consider this information in sentencing my husband, Danny Masterson. Danny and I have been together for 19 years. We married in 2011 and our beautiful daughter was born in 2014. She has been the bright spot during many years of crises and uncertainty.

I can say that Danny has literally been a life-saving partner for me.

(Section edited)

Our daughter was only three years old at the time. She was our child prodigy. I depended on Danny to take care of me and our daughter. I always felt like she would be okay because Danny is a great father. He was devoted to our daughter, reading her books, taking her on walks and to ballet classes. I never heard him complain. The two were inseparable.

(Section edited)

When we finally got home, we thought we could start focusing on our lives as a family. Then the investigation against him began. After losing his show and acting career, he devoted himself to finding other ways to make a living.

We left our home in Los Angeles to move to a farm in Santa Ynez where I could recover. Danny immediately began working the land and creating a beautiful vineyard of 6,000 vines, which he tended alone for six years. He toiled long hours in the fields to make it profitable for our family. He took classes to learn about growing grapes and wines and became a sommelier. He also studied the business side of it.

Danny has always been against drugs and has sobered so many friends and colleagues. My husband, who has never smoked a joint in his life, has strong feelings about drugs that have never gone away. He tried to protect the younger actors he worked with from such temptations and offered them advice about their careers and in their lives.

Danny is a great father. Our daughter and I are devastated that he is not at home with us. It’s been very difficult without him here. Even though he is now in prison, he calls her every day. He helps her with homework every evening. He teaches her math with kindness and patience. She is well above grade level in all subjects and reads three grades above her own, and that is thanks to her father’s guidance and attention.

Danny has seen her piano recitals and applauds when she practices in the living room after each song. Our daughter loves her pony on our farm, but also our dogs and cats. But most of all, she loves her father. When he calls us every day, she ends with “I love you too much, Dad.”

(Sentence edited)

We need him more than you can imagine. I know he has been convicted of serious crimes. But the man I married has been nothing but an extraordinary husband to me and a devoted father to our daughter.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

Very respectful,

Bijou Philips Masterson

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