EXCLUSIVE: As Kim Kardashian exposes her natural hair, experts reveal the damaging toll ONE YEAR of bleaches, extensions and hair glue have had on her locks

It seems like years of chemical and heat treatments have taken their toll on Kim Kardashian’s hair, leaving her locks thin and wispy.

Fans of the reality TV star were no doubt shocked by her appearance in the trailer for this week’s episode of The Kardashians.

The 43 year old revealed her natural hair during a scene at the gym, revealing short, brittle-looking locks.

It’s not the first time the glamorous social media icon has given fans a glimpse of her real locks.

In August, Kim was photographed stepping off a private jet in Los Angeles (below) without her signature long, thick hair.

Recent images of Kim Kardashian's hair show short, brittle locks, unlike her signature full, long hair

Kim Kardashian’s hair is shorter and more brittle than normal, which experts say is the result of years of bleaching, extensions and hair glue

Instead, it was tied into a bun, with thin strands falling out the back. And last December, the mother of four posted a video to her TikTok channel, which showed off thin, crunchy hair that had clearly been damaged by multiple bleaching sessions.

In December 2022, Kim shocked fans with videos of her natural, wispy hair without extensions

In December 2022, Kim shocked fans with videos of her natural, wispy hair without extensions

Now experts have revealed to DailyMail.com the likely reasons why Kim’s natural hair looks the way it does – based on her extreme hairstyles over the past two years.

Kim Kardashian is a noted hairstyle chameleon, often sampling a range of different looks in the same month, from waist-length platinum blonde extensions to a sleek long dark ponytail.

But hair damage is inevitable when the scalp is subjected to extreme treatments, no matter how talented the hairdresser, although the most qualified among them are usually better able to estimate how much the hair can tolerate.

Mrs. Kardashian steps off a private plane

Mrs. Kardashian is shown exiting a private plane

Recent photos of Ms. Kardashian getting off a plane show shorter, thinner hair

Bleaching the hair to strip it of all color and repeatedly applying high temperatures takes a toll on the integrity of the hair and the health of the scalp, increasing the chance of permanent hair loss.

Ms. Kardashian often wears hair extensions that reach down to her belly button, although it is not clear whether the extensions are installed via microbeads that are fused to the hair, taped or sewn into place.

But experts claim that no extensions are good for hair.

Anabel Kingsley, a hair and scalp specialist and Brand President of Philip Kingsley hair products, told DailyMail.com: ‘I wouldn’t strongly recommend hair extensions.

Pulling the hair back so that the face is taut puts pressure on the scalp and loosens the hair in the follicles

Pulling the hair back so that the face is taut puts pressure on the scalp and loosens the hair in the follicles

‘When you take them out, it’s not just a matter of going back to how your hair used to be, you’re often left with worse-looking hair. It may not be because you have caused permanent hair loss, but it may simply be because you have quite a lot of hair loss.’

Hair extensions burden the hair follicles, the roots of the hairs. Over time, the hair in the follicle becomes loose and falls out, a condition called traction alopecia.

Signs of traction alopecia include thinning or balding patches around the forehead and temples, but this can be reversed if treated early by avoiding tight hairstyles that cause tension on the scalp.

Wearing wigs, as Kim did in the fall of 2023 for a photo shoot for CR Fashion, can also damage the scalp, block hair follicles and lead to a build-up of bacteria.

Wigs that fit too tightly can cause hair loss and breakage around the perimeter of the head.

Kardashian wore a cropped wig for a shoot in CR Fashion Book this year

Kardashian wore a cropped wig for a shoot in CR Fashion Book this year

Bleaching the hair is not better.

The actual bleaching process uses strong chemicals to strip the hair of melanin, the natural pigment that determines hair color.

Bleaching also damages the integrity and structure of the hair, making it dry and brittle.

Ms Kingsley said: ‘Bloning, any form of permanent chemical processing, whether highlighting or bleaching, damage to the hair – the extent of which is very dependent on how big the change is.

“So if you were a brunette or a deep brunette and went to platinum blonde, that would be more damaging than if you were a naturally sort of dirty blonde and went to platinum blonde.”

Ms Kardashian underwent 14 hours of hair bleaching before the Met Gala last year to look like Marilyn Monroe

Ms Kardashian underwent 14 hours of hair bleaching before the Met Gala last year to look like Marilyn Monroe

Ms. Kardashian's platinum bun was a tribute to Marilyn Monroe.  But the tight hairstyle and extensive bleaching to achieve the look undoubtedly damaged the integrity of Ms. Kardashian's natural hair.

Ms. Kardashian’s platinum bun was a tribute to Marilyn Monroe. But the tight hairstyle and extensive bleaching to achieve the look undoubtedly damaged the integrity of Ms. Kardashian’s natural hair.

Kim Kardashian, a natural deep brunette, dyed her hair platinum blonde to completely resemble Marilyn Monroe as she wore her dress to the Met Gala last May.

She said at the time: ‘I also wanted a physical change so I thought I would wait and do it for this, so I spend a day dying my hair – 14 hours straight! – to make it happen.’

Healthy hair is covered with scales called cuticles, which lie flat like tiles on a roof. But when the hair cuticle is exposed to bleach, it raises the cuticle, making it easier for toxins to pass through the holes. Hair is therefore prone to tangles and breakage.

Ms Kingsley added: ‘The outer layer of the hair becomes weaker, but the inner part of the hair can also become damaged.

“If you bleach your hair too much, there’s a point where your hair just can’t handle it anymore and it will break off.”

Extreme heat causes similar damage to the integrity of the hair, especially if used frequently, causing it to burn in the same way as the skin.

Using heat, such as a straightener or curling iron, on dry hair also sucks out any remaining moisture in the hair, leaving strands dry and frizzy.

Ms Kingsley said people should still have the freedom to change their hair when they want, but stressed the importance of knowing how much chemical or heat intervention the hair can tolerate.

She said: ‘I’m all for coloring your hair – it’s for fun.

“Just know what the limits of your hair are, so if your hair is very fine and already fragile and you’re a brunette and you want platinum blonde, then that’s probably not something you should do.”

“But maybe opt for a kind of honey blonde or highlights — and then do conditioning treatments once a week.”