EXC: TOWIE’s Junaid Ahmed targeted in homophobic attack at swanky London bar

Junaid Ahmed is ‘shocked’ and ‘shaken up’ after being the target of a homophobic attack at a posh London bar.

The TOWIE star, 27, alleged that a group of men in their 40s hurled discriminatory language at him during a night out with his co-star Dani Imbert, 25, at The May Fair Bar on Saturday.

Junaid admitted that he wanted to be swallowed up by the ground while the incident took place and revealed that the revelers called him a “gay c**t” and said they wanted to be “nowhere near him” because of his homosexuality.

But he insisted that the staff at the glamorous hot spot couldn’t be nicer and rushed to his rescue after the verbal confrontation.

The reality star told MailOnline exclusively, “It was last night. I’m just really upset, to be honest. I obviously like going out in Mayfair, I’m there all the time. Do you understand what I mean? So I’m just really shaken up to be honest.

“The world we live in is disgusting!” Junaid Ahmed has been left ‘shocked’ and ‘shaken up’ after being the target of a homophobic attack at a posh London bar (pictured on TOWIE)

‘We went to the May Fair Bar. I was with Dani and some of our friends and we literally just went for a drink.

‘We should been to a place before that and then gone there, where we go all the time. Went there for a few drinks and when we walked in there a group of guys came up to me and Dani and said “Oh my God you’re from TOWIE etc etc,” some of these guys came over.

“We were like, ‘Yeah, yeah, hi, are you okay?’ Like asking for pictures and stuff. And I was like, “Yeah, yeah, sure, no worries.” And one of the boys’ friends said, “No, no, I don’t want him on my… I don’t want him anywhere near me. I don’t want him on my table,” and started screaming all this abuse.

“I was confused because I thought, ‘If your friends talk to me, I never asked…you know what I mean?’ It was just, it was really crazy and I was just yelling homophobic abuse at me and I was like, “Oh my god, this is really crazy… right in the middle of May Fair Bar, I’m mortified and embarrassed.”

‘He is Ztaking all this abuse at me and then his friends all get involved by just hurling the most homophobic insults at me. I was like, “This is so embarrassing. I can’t believe we’re in a public setting and they’re homophobicly insulting me.” I literally never felt like I wanted the ground to swallow me up more.

“I was literally like, “How in the world in this day and age…” Like they were literally a group of 40-year-old men. And I was like, “I’m literally 27, I’m trying to have a good night with my friends. Please leave me alone.”

“They said, ‘You gay c**t.’ And I was like, “Sorry? I don’t need to be around here. I don’t really need to be around here. Like, at the end of the day, your friends… tTwo of your friends come over and clearly recognize me and Dani from TOWIE, clearly want to have a conversation with us, and I’m polite and respectful to everyone I meet.

‘Do you know what I mean? Like, everyone I meet and everyone, like, I’ll chat with everyone. I’m like, “I’m just a nice person. That’s what I would do. I didn’t ask you to yell homophobic abuse at me in a crowded bar when there are other people doing the same.” tried to talk to me and everything.’ It’s embarrassing.’

Disgusting: The reality star, 27, claimed a group of men in their 40s hurled discriminatory language at him during a night out at The May Fair Bar on Saturday

Disgusting: The reality star, 27, claimed a group of men in their 40s hurled discriminatory language at him during a night out at The May Fair Bar on Saturday

Friends: Junaid had been joined by his co-star Dani Imbert, 25, at the glamorous hot spot

Friends: Junaid had been joined by his co-star Dani Imbert, 25, at the glamorous hot spot

When asked what the bar staff’s reaction was, Junaid explained: “They were like, “What’s going on?” because I go there so often. I’m always there.

‘I literally go to the May Fair Bar every Saturday, you will literally find me there all the time. So I know all the staff there and everything. They were like, “Oh my God, what’s the matter? What’s the matter?” I was like, “No, it’s fine. I’m just leaving. I don’t really need to put myself in that situation, I don’t need to be around it. I’ll be happy to go and enjoy my night with my friends. I I don’t have to put myself in such a situation.”

“I just can’t believe in this day and age like a gay guy who is just literally having fun with his friends has to go through that with these mean-spirited people in the world who think it’s okay to hurl swear words at someone because they’re gay. I just think it’s awful. The world we live in is disgusting!’

On how he feels today, Junaid confessed that he is in a state of shock but does not think he will report the incident to the police.

He said, ‘Honestly I’m just shocked because I’ve never had this before. Since I’ve been in the public eye, I’ve never had anything like it.

“Of course we get trolls on social media, which is so normal, but I have never had this kind of abuse face to face with people.

“If they just didn’t like me or whatever, I wouldn’t care, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I totally understand being in the public eye, putting myself out there for everyone’s opinions. But to me it goes much deeper…why do you have to make it personal and be homophobic?

Chic: A stock image of the interior of The May Fair Bar

Chic: A stock image of the interior of The May Fair Bar

‘Is this still a thing? Why is homophobia a thing now? We really wouldn’t even care what kind of people… we live in such a diverse world. I personally like people for who they are, I don’t care about your background, sexuality, whatever. I love everyone. If you are a nice person I literally love you for you. That is it.

‘I would never think such things. While as a group of adult men in their 40s who are homophobic. Serious?’

But the rebellious Junaid won’t let the horrific experience stop him from enjoying a night out at The May Fair Bar in the future.

He continued, “I am a very confident person. I like going out and socializing, I like doing it. So I don’t let that stop me.

‘I think it’s crazy. You read things online, things about homophobic attacks and homophobic abuse. I’ve always read things and thought, “Oh no, that’s just so bad.”

“But I never thought I’d ever experience it myself because I’m such a social butterfly, I’m always on the go. I’ve never had this.

“So to me it’s just a bit of a shock to the system. But it is what it is. I won’t let it stop me. I am a party animal, I like going out and having fun. So this is definitely not going to stop me.

‘I’ll probably be back at the May Fair Bar in a few weeks!’