Exact number of steps needed to burn off your favourite alcohol revealed


The exact number of steps required to burn your favorite alcoholic beverage is revealed, and it’s bad news for cider fans

  • Researchers on the Weward app ranked nine alcoholic beverages in order of calories
  • A 125 ml champagne flute contains 90 cals, with only 2520 steps to walk

For decades, 10,000 steps a day has been held up as the holy grail.

But if you’re going to treat yourself to some cider tonight, you might want to consider adding an extra 5670 to your target.

The average pint contains around 240 calories that, according to new research, would be burned in around 51 minutes of walking.

Researchers at the Weward mobile app, which rewards your daily steps with cash, gifts or donations to charity, ranked nine alcoholic beverages in order.

For decades, 10,000 steps a day has been held up as the holy grail. But if you’re going to treat yourself to some cider tonight, you might want to consider adding an extra 5670 to your target.


1 – Cider (pint) – 240 calories – 5670 walking steps, about 51 minutes

2 – Wine (250 ml, large glass) – 225 calories – 5575 walking steps, around 49 minutes

3 – Guinness (pint) – 210 calories – 5480 walking steps, about 46 minutes

4 – Lager (pint) – 200 calories – 5385 walking steps, about 43 minutes

5 – Vodka and orange (25 ml of vodka and 100 ml of orange) – 110 calories – 2720 walking steps, around 22 minutes

6 – Gin & tonic (25 ml of gin and 75 ml of tonic) – 100 calories – 2650 steps to walk, around 21 minutes

7 – Jagermeister (30 ml) – 95 calories – 2595 walking steps, around 20 minutes

8 – Champagne (125 ml) – 90 calories – 2520 walking steps, around 19 minutes

9 – Jack Daniels (50ml shot) – 60 calories – 1680 walking steps, around 12 minutes

10 – Water – 0 calories

For those looking to keep fit, a glass of Jack Daniel’s or a 125ml glass of champagne is probably the best option.

A 125 ml flute of champagne contains only 90 calories, with only 2,520 steps to walk, in around 19 minutes.

Meanwhile, a shot of JD adds 60 calories. This would take around 1,680 steps to walk, in around 12 minutes.

Eric Barrowman, 47, from Eastcote, north-west London, said he would love to walk home after a few pints, but his venue, The Ascott, was just across the road from his home.

The electrical engineer said: ‘I love to take a good walk before going to the pub, but my place is right in front of me, a minute’s walk at the most.

“I think I should find another pub a little further away, but every time I venture out I always end up in the same seat, in the same pub, with the same pint in hand.”

He admitted: ‘I am a creature of habit.’

A Weward spokesperson said: “If you’re someone who likes to ‘earn’ their pint with a brisk walk to the local pub, how many steps would you have to take to burn off your drink of choice?

“Whether it’s a pint of beer or a glass of wine, we’ve calculated the number of steps you need to rack up to get the UK’s favorite pub drinks.

“All you need is your walking shoes and a step counting app. We recommend Weward as they also give you rewards for your steps, and go to the pub!”

The NHS recommends that people drink no more than 14 units a week and spread them out over three days or more.

Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that Americans drink no more than 14 standard alcoholic drinks per week for men and seven for women.