Ex-UN chief Ban Ki-moon to do ‘all he can’ for peace in Myanmar

Ban calls for an end to the violence and for a “peaceful, democratic and legitimate government” to be established.

Former UN chief Ban Ki-moon has called for an end to the violence that has plagued Myanmar since the February 2021 coup, and has renewed efforts to bring about lasting peace and a legitimate government.

Ban, who is part of The Elders advisory group of former world leaders, made his comments in a statement after visiting the country at the invitation of the military.

“I have come to Myanmar to urge the army to immediately cease violence and to start a constructive dialogue between all parties involved,” Ban said in a statement on Tuesday, stressing that the government of national unity (NUG ), founded by elected politicians, has been removed during the coup and pro-democracy activists, had to be part of every discussion.

The generals characterize all their opponents as “terrorists”.

“My conversations were exploratory. I will do everything I can to help the people of Myanmar secure the peace, prosperity and freedom they deserve.”

Myanmar plunged into crisis when army chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing seized power and detained elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi just as her National League for Democracy (NLD) was about to begin its second term in office following a landslide election victory .

The coup sparked mass protests and a violent military response, leading some to take up arms in an attempt to restore democracy.

Ban said he was invited to Myanmar by the military and met Min Aung Hlaing in the capital Naypyidaw, as well as Thein Sein, who was president of a quasi-civilian government between 2011 and 2016. The state-run Global New Light of Myanmar described the discussions as cordial in its Tuesday edition.

Ban’s statement made no mention of meeting Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been imprisoned for at least 33 years following a series of secret trials that found her guilty of corruption and other charges critics say are politically motivated. He previously met her when he was UN Secretary General.

During his talks with the military, Ban said he stressed the urgency to make progress in implementing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) five-point consensus and take action on last December’s UN Security Council resolution, calling for an immediate end to violence and the release of all political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi and civilian president Win Myint.

Ban’s surprise visit followed global outcry over a military airstrike on a village in the Sagaing region that killed more than 160 civilians, including children, and said he reiterated international condemnation of the attack.

He arrived in the country after the assassination of a military-appointed senior election official in Yangon by an anti-coup group.

The military, which has claimed without evidence that the last election in November 2020 was fraudulent, has promised new elections, but the NLD and other parties have already been banned after failing to re-register under a strict new electoral law drafted by the generals.

Ban said elections should only be held if conditions are in place for them to be free and fair.

“Holding elections under the current circumstances risks further violence and division, and the results will not be recognized by the people of Myanmar, ASEAN and the wider international community,” the statement warned.

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