Ex-CIA undercover spy and GOP Rep. Will Hurd announces run for PRESIDENT

Ex-CIA undercover spy and GOP representative Will Hurd announces candidacy for PRESIDENT: Trump critic joins growing Republican field in 2024, warns Biden will win if ex-President is nominated

  • Texas Trump critic takes on 11 Republican rivals in his bid for the White House
  • He worked for the CIA for nine years, doing business trips in India and Pakistan
  • Warned the GOP that if Trump is nominated again, Biden will win in 2024

Former CIA clandestine officer and GOP representative Will Hurd has announced that he is entering the Republican race to become president.

The Texan and Donald Trump critic announced during an interview with CBS Thursday morning that he is jumping into the growing GOP field with 14 rivals.

“This is a decision my wife and I made because we live in complicated times and we need common sense,” he said.

Hurd, 45, was born in San Antonio, Texas, and just married Lynlie Wallace last year. He worked for the CIA for nine years between 2000 and 2009.

His national service included stints in India and Pakistan, where he worked undercover, at the height of the War on Terror.

One of his first assignments was the US intelligence response to the Al Qaeda attack on the USS Cole in the Gulf of Aden in October 2000.

Former CIA clandestine officer and GOP Rep. Will Hurd has announced that he is joining the Republican race to become president

1687439973 950 Ex CIA undercover spy and GOP Rep Will Hurd announces run

“This is a decision my wife and I made because we live in complicated times and we need common sense,” Hurd, who married Lynlie Wallace (left) last year, told CBS in an interview Thursday.

Hurd was primarily based in Washington, D.C., where he gave intelligence briefings to members of Congress. This duty is what Hurd attributes to his desire to run for Congress.

Our enemies plot, create chaos and threaten the American Dream. At home, illegal immigration and fentanyl are pouring into our country. Inflation, still not under control. Crime and homelessness are on the rise in our cities,” Hurd said in his announcement video released Thursday.

“President Biden cannot solve these problems — or does not want to. And when we nominate a lawless, egotistical, failed politician like Donald Trump – who lost the House, the Senate and the White House – we all know that Joe Biden will win again.”

Democrats won control of the House in 2018 and the Senate in 2020, but saw the GOP regain control of the House in last year’s midterm elections.

Last summer, he tweeted that “the GOP cannot build lasting majorities if our candidates praise Hitler on the radio, are arrested by the FBI for participating in the insurgency, or are judged solely on their loyalty to the man who lost the last election. ‘

There are now 15 Republicans vying for the 2024 nomination — with President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leading

There are now 15 Republicans vying for the 2024 nomination — with President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leading

While Hurd is not a fan of Trump, he has also been critical of Biden.

He told NBC’s Sunday program Meet the Press in May that the prospect of another election pitting the current president against the former would be “the rematch from hell.”

Hurd joins a crowded primary field that includes frontrunners Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

At the center of the field are former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Longshot candidates, a group Hurd is likely to join, include former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson, North Dakota governor Doug Burgum, anti-woke activist and self-made biotech millionaire Vivek Ramaswamy, conservative radio host Larry Elder and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez.