Evil girlfriend who starved and stabbed partner is engaged to new man after serving prison sentence 

An evil friend who starved, burned, and stabbed her former partner with boiling water is now engaged to a new man after serving only part of her seven-year prison sentence.

Jordan Worth, 26, was jailed five years ago after subjecting Alex Skeel to a campaign of torrid physical and mental abuse, including attacking him with “weapons” including a hammer, screwdriver, bread knives and a broken hairbrush.

She also broke his phone to prevent him from contacting his family and friends, as he had already used his Facebook account to send them abusive messages.

A father of two, Alex bravely recalled his nine months of torment on the BBC show Abused By My Girlfriend, describing life when he lived with Worth in the village of Stewartby, Bedfordshire.

Worth, an aspiring teacher, had a degree from the University of Hertfordshire, came from a loving and supportive family and had raised money for children in Africa.

Alex Skeel bravely recalled his nine months of torment on the BBC show Abused By My Girlfriend

Jordan Worth (left) was jailed five years ago after subjecting Alex to a campaign of torrid physical and mental abuse

Jordan Worth (left) was jailed five years ago after subjecting Alex to a campaign of torrid physical and mental abuse

Worth has now been released from prison serving seven and a half years, after serving only part of the sentence behind bars, and is now engaged to 28-year-old bricklayer Adam Steff

Worth has now been released from prison serving seven and a half years, after serving only part of the sentence behind bars, and is now engaged to 28-year-old bricklayer Adam Steff

But a court would later hear how she cruelly controlled every aspect of her partner’s life.

She was jailed in April 2018 after a police officer finally managed to get Alex to admit the truth about the abuse he suffered.

He had previously told neighbors that injuries, including open and infected wounds, were self-inflicted, while Alex also nearly lost four bricks after being deprived of food.

But Worth has now been released from prison after serving a seven-and-a-half-year sentence, having served only part of the sentence behind bars.

She is now engaged to 28-year-old bricklayer Adam Steff, The sun reports.

Friends allegedly warned him about dating the domestic violence convict.

A friend, who sent him a link to the BBC documentary featuring Alex, warned him not to date “the psychopath.”

Mr Steff is ignoring the pleas, however, and recently posted a photo online of himself with Worth enjoying a walk on the beach.

It comes after bodycam footage from a police visit on June 3, 2017 showed officers entered Worth and Alex’s home and found the bathroom splattered with blood and the latter, who was bleeding from the wrists, bandaged with a football sock.

Alex had previously told neighbors that injuries, including open and infected wounds, were self-inflicted

Alex had previously told neighbors that injuries, including open and infected wounds, were self-inflicted

A horrific stab wound across Alex's hand and wrist during the nine-month campaign of abuse

A horrific stab wound across Alex’s hand and wrist during the nine-month campaign of abuse

Initially, Alex blamed himself for his injuries in an attempt to protect his partner and Jordan was not arrested until several weeks later on a subsequent police visit.

But Worth later became the first woman in the UK to be convicted of controlling or coercive behaviour, receiving more than seven years in prison.

Alex was shockingly thin and in poor health when Jordan was arrested, after his untreated burns became infected and he developed hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid in the brain caused by severe head trauma.

He was a soccer-crazy 16-year-old when he first met Jordan at a college concert in June 2012 and quickly fell in love with her.

But her behavior soon took a dark turn and Alex initially tried to break things off until Worth revealed she was pregnant and returned to his life with a baby a year later in May 2014.

Alex then had to choose between his girlfriend and his family and the young couple moved into their own home in Stewartby, Bedfordshire, in July 2016.

Alex was just 19 at the time and didn’t speak to his parents for two years — not even when the couple welcomed their second child, a little girl named Iris, in May 2017.

Over time, Jordan became so controlling that she took Alex’s wallet, forcing him to quit the job he loved and instead accompany her to classes at the University of Hertfordshire, where she kept an eye on him. could keep.

Alex pictured with ex-girlfriend Worth, who pleaded guilty to controlling or coercive behavior in an intimate relationship

Alex pictured with ex-girlfriend Worth, who pleaded guilty to controlling or coercive behavior in an intimate relationship

Alex shows off his horrific burns

The cuts on Alex's legs

Alex shows off the gruesome burns (left) and cuts on his legs (right) after being violently assaulted by his girlfriend between 2016 and 2017

Alex needed stitches in his hand after being attacked with a knife (pictured), but despite needing surgery, his girlfriend 'let him out of the hospital'

Alex needed stitches in his hand after being attacked with a knife (pictured), but despite needing surgery, his girlfriend ‘let him out of the hospital’

Bodycam footage from a police visit on June 3, 2017 shows officers entering Alex and Jordan's compound to find the bathroom smeared with blood after a violent assault

Bodycam footage from a police visit on June 3, 2017 shows officers entering Alex and Jordan’s compound to find the bathroom smeared with blood after a violent assault

During one attack, Worth severed the tendons in his right hand with a bread knife, on another occasion she attacked him with a broken hairbrush, breaking his tooth.

A kettle full of boiling water also became Worth’s weapon of choice, causing her boyfriend to scream in pain as skin drooped from his arms and back.

A few days after one such attack, Jordan cut her boyfriend’s hand with a bread knife and the police were called, not for the first time, by their concerned neighbors who heard Alex yelling, “Leave me alone, don’t hurt me anymore.” ‘.

Officers took Alex to the hospital, but Worth walked out.

However, a few days later, police were again called to the property and officers took the opportunity to take action.

Despite his protestations, Sergeant Ed Finn managed to persuade Alex to give the revelation what was really going on – eventually arresting Jordan on suspicion of assault and grievous bodily harm (GBH).

When they managed to get Alex to the hospital, doctors said he was in his physical state only “ten days after death,” when his burns had become infected.

Alex returned to his family where he was reunited with his children and in September 2017, Jordan was charged with 17 counts, including intentionally wounding, intentionally causing grievous bodily harm and controlling or coercive conduct in an intimate relationship.

On 13 April 2018, Jordan was given two seven-year prison sentences for willful wounding and GBH, to be served simultaneously at Luton Crown Court.

She also received a consecutive six-month prison sentence for controlling or coercive behaviour, becoming the first woman in the UK to be convicted of this charge.