‘Evil’ boyfriend, 26, whose girlfriend hanged herself after he ordered her to self harm, isolated her from family, and tracked her phone during ‘appalling’ campaign of domestic abuse, is jailed for nearly four years

A “pure evil” boyfriend has been jailed after he ordered his girlfriend to self-harm and isolated her in a campaign of domestic abuse so shockingly cruel it “absolutely destroyed her life” and she hanged herself.

Marc Masterton’s ‘despicable’ psychological and physical attacks ‘contributed significantly’ to the ‘destruction’ of Chloe Holland’s mental health before she killed herself, a court heard.

Controller Masterton, 26, regularly beat Miss Holland, told her to take her own life, gave her a knife and ordered her to self-harm, isolated her from friends and family and belittled her.

Masterton deliberately gave Miss Holland, 23, a black eye so she could not see her young son.

Police investigators today said the domestic abuse is ‘one of the most horrific and harrowing cases they have ever come across’.

Masterton has now been jailed for three years and nine months following his ‘utterly inexcusable’ campaign of abuse between January 2022 and February this year.

Miss Holland hanged herself on February 1 this year and died in hospital.

A fundraising page for Chloe Holland described her as a ‘mum, daughter, sister, aunt and a dear friend to many’

Marc Masterton has now been jailed for three years and nine months after his ‘completely inexcusable’ campaign of abuse.

Just two days earlier, on January 30, Masterton ordered her to steal a car with him and use a stolen bank card.

The court heard that Masterton regularly abused Miss Holland at his home in Southsea, Portsmouth, as well as in hotels and on public transport across Hampshire.

Masterton beat her with a barbell, then gave her a knife and told her to hurt herself after she threatened to kill herself.

Masterton controlled what clothes Miss Holland wore, kept her away from her friends and family and tracked her phone so that when she escaped the relationship, he was able to ‘put her back into his cycle of abuse’.

In a Travelodge, Masterton beat his victim shouting ‘say goodbye to your son’.

On January 30 this year, Masterton accompanied Miss Holland to steal a car, then crashed it, then ordered her to use the stolen bank card found inside it so he wouldn’t be caught on CCTV.

Ms Holland followed his order ‘due to fear of extreme violence if she did not comply’.

Portsmouth Crown Court heard “the physical and psychological impact of the abuse contributed significantly to the destruction of her mental health”.

Miss Holland’s family say she will be “forever scarred” by the young mother’s death.

Hampshire Constabulary said evidence from Miss Holland was used post-mortem to help convict Masterton, who admitted coercive and controlling behavior and aggravated vehicle taking.

Detective Constable Nikki Brogan said: “This is one of the most horrific and shocking cases of domestic abuse I have ever come across.

“The violence, control and psychological abuse suffered by this poor young woman absolutely destroyed her life. She felt that there was no escape from her abuser.

“Her family said that while she was away from Masterton she seemed positive, but when he pulled her into his web of abuse she just disappeared – became withdrawn and unable to eat.

‘This man is pure evil. What he did was completely inexcusable and the judge ruled he was clearly a danger to women before sending him to prison.

“Sadly, the victim in this case was not able to see justice, but I want it to be known that she was so brave and because of her evidence, her strength, her courage, this despicable man is now behind bars. ‘

Detective Chief Inspector Nikki Burton added: “The evidence gathered during this investigation is distressing and my thoughts are with the family and friends of the victim in this case.

“Domestic abusers commit some of the worst abuse imaginable, leaving lifelong physical and emotional scars on those affected.

“I congratulate the courage of the woman in this case, who reported the abuse to the police.

“Her evidence was used posthumously as she sadly died before this case reached the courts, but the power of her words and her evidence have helped protect other women by ensuring that a domestic abuser is jailed. “

A fundraiser held in memory of Miss Holland has raised more than £4,500. All funds donated “will be used to give our Chloe the most beautiful send-off on her next trip,” the page states.

The page says: ‘Chloe was a much loved mother, daughter, sister, aunt and a dear friend to many.

“At such a young age of 23, Chloe’s death has come as a huge shock to everyone.

“So many people feel so much pain over the loss of such a fun, friendly, bubbly, honest and beautiful young lady.

“If you were lucky enough to have ever been in Chloe’s company, you would understand the immediate positive impact she had on those around her. There was never a dull moment or a moment of silence in Chloe’s presence.

Unfortunately, Chloe took her own life due to domestic violence.

“The pain this has caused her family and friends is great, however it is important that people know the truth, the seriousness and the damage that domestic violence causes.”

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